Test 2: HI PSY Flashcards
Who are the major figures in psychology studied
What are the major features of Freud’s psychological model
* Id is developed out of biological needs and instinctual drives (“It”)
* Ego develops to handle the universe
* Superego develops to handle the demands of parents and society
Subconscious holds instinct, trauma, preconscious knowledge
Model for human development: Ego (self) emerges to direct the emotional energy of the unconscious id to engage with the world
Goal is to make what is unconscious conscious, to make it useful or within our control (strengthen ego, gain awareness of id/repressed content)
Dream images/symbols have hidden meaning
Introduced defense mechanisms (repression, denial rationalization, projection, isolation, reaction formation (opposite), sublimation (rechanneling energy)
Psychosexual developmental Model: oral, anal, phallic/genital
God & religion dismissed as longing for primary relationship with one’s father
What are the major takeaways from Freud’s work to a spiritual leader?
Role of emotions & feelings
Early childhood experiences influence our unconscious beliefs
Thoughts/feelings have meaning
Must view & understand unconscious, like dream work
Therapists & practitioners work to uncover what is hidden
Use with client: hidden beliefs, symbols in dreams & imagery
What are the major features of Jung’s psychological model
Core of this model: Archetypes (“Hero’s Quest”)
* Inherited predispositions to respond to the world in certain ways
* Form without content, just the structure
* Snowflake: Each is 6-sided. That’s the structure/archetype. Each can be unique while still expressing that structure.
Innate drive toward self-realization
Symbols, active imagination & dreams are important in counseling
Integrated spirituality & religion, believing psychology & religion related
God is essential part of person, not healed without a spiritual outlook
Personality Components: Ego (conscious self), shadow (unconscious self), Persona (mask for society) & Self (true self)
What are the major takeaways from Jung’s work to a spiritual leader?
Wholeness, reconciling our various aspects
Integrating ourselves (oneness with God)
Archetypes & unconscious beliefs come with us into the world & manifest
Focus on broad internal growth through individualization vs narrow persona
Use with clients: shadow self to integrate fully wholeness
What are the major features of Rogers’ psychological model
Person-Centered Counseling (therapy as growth experience directed by client, understanding the inherent desire to be whole, complete & self-actualized)
Client has his own answers
Tendency to grow, develop & realize full potential in every living organism
Treated clients with unconditional positive regard
Six Basic Prerequisites for any Counselor:
* Sensitivity
* Stance of Objectivity
* Attitude of respect for Individual
* Self-understanding
* Psychological Knowledge
* Empathy
What are the major takeaways from Rogers’ work to a spiritual leader?
Tendency toward health or self-actualization is part of human nature
Capacity for positive change is natural & expected: control of conditions
Client has own answers: direct revelation
Use with clients: unconditional positive regard and inner wisdom, prac model
What are the major features of Maslow’s psychological model
Hierarchy of needs (model of human drives): Physiological, Safety, Belonging & Love, Esteem, Self-Actualization (full use of capacities, enjoy peak experiences)
Peak Experiences: moments of bliss, joy, ecstasy; awareness of personal time& space dissolves; mystical, unitive &numinous experiences
Self-actualization is an ongoing process
* One is not self-actualized, but self-actualizing
* Refers to man’s desire for fulfillment, to become in actuality potentiality
* SA people are happier, continue to grow, but not perfect
* Involved in goals outside of themselves
* Healthy SA=productive, pragmatic, purposeful, practical, fulfilled
* Transcendent SA= more aware of sacredness of life, sense the unity of all, experience & value peak experiences as most important
Counselor as coach or guide – client can trust inner wisdom
Synergy: combined action of elements results in a total effect greater than the sum of all the elements independently, cooperation among individuals
What are the major takeaways from Maslow’s work to a spiritual leader?
Ongoing process of growth
Identification of transcendence, sanctity of life, inner source of wisdom
Freedom – SA frees us from limitations
Being psychology: assumes we are whole and complete
Hierarchy of needs: use with clients to prioritize needs & beliefs to work on
How would you describe Freud’s influence on psychology in a few sentences?
1856-1938 Austria
Put the Focus on what didn’t work; Developed the sick half of psychology
Added a basement (unconscious) to a single story house (conscious)
How would you describe Jung’s influence on psychology in a few sentences?
1875-1961 Swiss
Built on Freud
Added an attic to the house (place for the numinous, bigger than basement)
How would you describe Rogers’ influence on psychology in a few sentences?
1902-1987 USA
Focused individual drive toward growth, health & adjustment.
Emphasized current life situations more than past.
How would you describe Maslow’s influence on psychology in a few sentences?
1908-1970 USA
Instrumental in creating the foundation of spiritual psychology.
One of the founders of Humanistic & Transpersonal Psychology
Distinguished between Deficiency Psychology (motivated by lack, deprivation & avoidance of pain) & Being Psychology (shift focus from coping to striving for full expression as a human being).
What are Maslow’s needs?
What are Freud’s Defense Mechanisms
Repression: forcing anxiety producing event, idea, or story away from all awareness
Denial: unwilling to accept event that disturbs the ego
Rationalization: finding acceptable reasons for unacceptable thoughts or actions
Reaction Formation: focus on feelings/behaviors that are opposite of your true desire
Projection: your feelings are attributed to coming from others
Regression: de-maturing
Sublimation: energy redirected to new goals
Intellectualization: explaining away
Displacement: aim emotion at something else
Isolation: walled off true feelings anxiety related to an event