TEST 6 Flashcards
What are the upper layers of ground stripped away by surface mining?
What is the narrow zone of active volcanoes that encircle the Pacific Basin?
Ring of Fire
What type of weathering involves the breaking or peeling away of rock into layers?
Man is as classified as
Homo sapiens
What is the land that borders a river and is covered by water in flood time?
What is a volcano made of volcanic ash and rock fragments held together loosely?
Cinder-cone volcano
What type of mountain formed when rocks on one side of a fault were forced upward and the rocks on the other side were forced downward?
What are glaciers that extend into the ocean without breaking?
Ice shelves
What is the amount of matter in an object?
What is an alloy of iron and carbon?
What is the resistance of a smooth surface of a mineral to being scratched?
What is the sudden appearance of life in the fossil record called?
Cambrian Explosion
What plant food element promotes the ripening of fruits?
What are the crystalline substances found naturally in the earth?
What is lava that hardens in rough, jagged rocks with a crumbly or blocky layer called?
aa Lava
What is the largest group of minerals which compose over 90% or the earth’s crust?
Which australopithecine was known as upright man?
Homo Erectus
What is the upper surface of ground water?
Water Table
What is the fan shaped deposit of sediments at the mouth of a river called?
What deep sea fish living fossil was once thought to be the ancestor of the first amphibians?
Sandy, gently sloping underwater plain near a continent?
Continental Shelf
A huge level region of the deep ocean floor
Abyssal Plain
Underwater mountain Range
Mid-oceanic Ridge
A pool of shallow salty water at the center of an atoll
One of the deep depressions in the earth’s surface where the oceans are contained.
Ocean Basin
Large fissure in the continental shelf
Submarine Canyon
Underwater mountain
One of the huge muddy valleys that cut through portions of the abyssal plain
Beginning marked by shelf break
Continental Slope
Rythymic back and forth motions of water that transfer energy are called
78% of the salt in the ocean is
Sodium Chloride
Crystals are characterized by many flat surfaces called
Gentle rolling waves that appear even in calm weather are
Ocean Swells
Oceanographers collect water samples from the ocean depths using
Niskin Bottles
The revolutionary submersible design invented by Auguste Piccard was the
The study of the earth is called
Movements of ocean water caused by the moon are called
The process in which wind lifts particles for short distances then drops them abruptly is
The region where cold deep water meets sun warmed surface water is the
A _________ is a device with an open tube that is dropped to the sea floor allowing its weight to puncture the sediment.
Gravity Corer
The earth’s rotation causes surface currents to move in circular paths called
The most abundant element in the earth’s crust is
Huge chunks of floating glacial ice
A mineral test that leaves a line of powder on a plate is a(n) _______ test?
The process that breaks rocks down into soil is
The study of fossils is
The deepest known point in the sea is the
Challenger Deep or Marianas Trench
When water from heavy waves rapidly flows away from the shore through a gap in a sandbar, the water forms a(n)
Rip current or Riptide
One idea that attempts to reconcile the Bible and evolution is
Theistic Evolution
Regions of the earth’s surface where limestone is exposed and abundant are __________ regions.
The deepest regions of the sea, with depths greater than 6000 meters are in the _________ zone
A low hill formed when a glacier overruns a moraine is a
What is the red variety of corundum?
When two rock layers are pushed violently together, causing the layers to buckle, ___________ mountains form.
What type of mountain is formed when molten rock collects beneath an overlying rock layer, forcing the layer upward into a blister like structure?
What device uses sound waves to detect underwater objects?
What is the winding, looping curve in a river on flat ground?
What is the warm surface current that flows in the Atlantic Ocean north of the equator?
Gulf Stream
A theory that has never been proven false is a
What are large teardrop shaped pieces of ejecta formed when lava solidifies?
Volcanic Bomb
The amount of dissolved salt in seawater is
Halfway between the spring tides are weaker-than-normal tides called
Emerald and aquamarine are two forms of what mineral?
What type of fold occurs when rocks buckle upward?
What hypothetical time scale charts both the earth’s history and the sequence of the rock layers in the earth’s crust?
Geologic Column
What theory states that the earth’s crust and upper mantle consist of huge plates slowly drifting as a result of convection currents in the mantle?
Plate Tectonics
What scale do chemists use to express acidity and basicity of substances?
The daily or twice-daily period when the ocean levels are at their highest point is called _____________ tide.
What metal is more valuable than gold or silver?
What the false belief that all geological processes have always proceeded at the same rate?
What is the study of the earth’s oceans called?
Who popularized evolution with his book On the Origin of the Species?
Charles Darwin
What percent of the earth’s surface is covered by water?
What is the highest point of a wave?
What is the term for the upward-flowing current?
What is the point on the earth’s surface directly above an earthquake’s focus?
What does scuba stand for?
Self-contained underwater breathing apparatus
What device serves as a framework for many water collection bottles, allowing oceanographers to collect water from different depths?
What is the substance that makes up the physical world?
What is the scientific term for water pressure?
Hydrostatic pressure