Test 5 - Vocab Flashcards
absence or suppression of menstruation
chadwicks sign
a bluish discoloration of the cervix that normally occurs with pregnancy at 6-8weeks duration
small bud of erectile tissue (homolog to penis) and a primary center of sexual exciteent
- period that marks the cessation of a womans reporductive period
- corresponding period of lessening of sexual activity in the male
inflammation of the urinary baldder usually occuring secondary to ascending infections and involve associated organs
a bladder hernia, injury to the vesicovaginal fascia during delivery may allow the bladder to pouch into the vagina causing a cystocele
involves the openig of the cervical canal to allow for the passage of the fetus. process is measured in centimeters and pregresses from a closed os (internal) to 10 cm (full dialation)
pain or difficult menstruation, either priamry or secondary
painful sexual intercourse
painful of difficult urination, symptomatic of numerous conditions
refers to the thinning of the cervix that results when myometrial activity pulls the cervix upward, allows the cervix to become part of the lower uterine segment during prelabor and early labor
blood in urine
accumulation of serous fluid in a saclike cavity, esp in the tunica vaginalis testis; serous tumors of the testes or associated parts
the first menstruation and initiation of cyclic mentrual function
excessive bleeding during a menstrual period that is longer in duration than usual
irregular or excessive bleeding durig menstruation and between menstrual periods
menstrual bleeding at irregular intveals, sometimes prolonged, but of expected amount
infrequent menstruaion
diminished amount of urine formation or scanty urine production (frequently defined as less than 500 mL in 24 hours); results in inefficient excretion of the products of metabolism
excessive excretion and discharge of urine. The urine does not, as a rule, contain abnormal
constituents. Several hundred ounces a day may be voided. It is pale in color.
pus in the urine: evidence of renal disease
protrusion or herniation of posterior vaginal wall with the anterior wall of the rectum through the vagina.
the relationship of the presenting part to the ischial spines of the mother’s pelvis. The
measurement is determined by centimeters above and below the ischial spines and is recorded by plus and minus signs
Urinary incontinence:
-the inability to retain urine.
-Stress: leakage of urine due to increased intraabdominal pressure that can occur from coughing, laughing, exercise, or lifting heavy things.
-Urge: the inability to hold urine once the urge to void occurs. Causes of this abnormality can be local genitourinary conditions, such as infection or tumor; or central nervous system disorders, such as stroke.
-Overflow: a mechanical dysfunction resulting from an over distended bladder. This type has
many causes: anatomic obstruction by prostatic hypertrophy and strictures; neurologic
abnormalities that impair detrusor contractility, such as multiple sclerosis; spinal lesions.
inflammation of the epididymis.
Testicular torsion:
twisting of the testis on the spermatic cord.
Urethritis: .
inflammation of the urethra