Test 4 Flashcards
What are the physiological effects of nicotine?
- Arouses the brain to a state of increased alertness
- Increases heart rate and blood pressure
- At high levels, relaxes muscles and triggers the release of neurotransmitters that may reduce stress (brain & muscle)
- Reduces circulation to extremities
- Suppresses appetite for carbohydrates
What are the four terms of alcohol consumption?
- Tolerance: when more and more of the drug is needed to produce the same effect
- Dependence: body needs drug for “normal” functioning
- Withdrawal: when drug is discontinued; alcohol withdrawal is serious and can be deadly
- Addiction: combination of dependence and withdrawal
What are the direct hazards of alcohol consumption?
- Liver damage: cirrhosis
- Neurological damage: Korsakoff syndrome
- Cardiovascular system: increase chance of heart disease and stroke
- Cancers: mouth, pharynx, esophagus, colon, rectum, liver, breast
- Pregnancy: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
What are the indirect hazards of alcohol consumption?
- Increases unintentional injuries - motor vehicle crashes
- Alters cognitive functioning
- Increases aggressive behavior
- Increases risky decision making
- Related to suicidal ideation and suicide attempts
What are the aspects of motivational interviewing?
- Express empathy through reflective listening
- Develop discrepancy between clients’ goals or values and their current behavior
- Avoid argument and direct confrontation
- Adjust to client resistance rather than opposing it directly
- Support self-efficacy and optimism
Effects of Psychoactive Drugs
- Alcohol: relaxation and disinhibition - depression, memory loss
- Heroin: rush of euphoria, relief from pain - depressed physiology, agonizing withdrawal
- Caffeine: increased alertness and wakefulness - anxiety, restlessness
- Methamphetamine: euphoria, alertness - irritability, insomnia,
- Cocaine: confidence, energy - cardiovascular stress, suspiciousness
- Nicotine: arousal and relaxation - heart disease, cancer
- Ecstasy (MDMA): emotional elevation, disinhibition - dehydration, overheating,
- Marijuana: enhanced sensation, relief of pain - impaired learning and memory
Psalm 55:22
Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken
1 Corinthians 10:31
Therefore, whether you eat or dink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God
Anorexia: Definition
- Intentional starvation and a distorted body image
- Weigh less than 85% of “normal” weight
- Two subtypes: restricting type and binge-purge type
- Individuals lose body wight but continue to see themselves as overweight
Anorexia: why/prevalence/risk factors
- May be used as a means of gaining control of their lief
- Lifetime prevalence at 9% women and 3% men
- Risk factors: family difficulties, family violence, having friends with unhealthy weight control practice, being in a sorority, being a victim physical or sexual abuse
Anorexia: treatment
- treatment is difficult
- highest mortality rate of any disorder; 3% of all anorexics die from causes related to disorder
- cognitive behavioral therapy has some success at changing irrational beliefs and cognitive distortions
- drug treatments are not very effective
Bulimia: Definition
- Repeated binging, a sense of lack of control over eating, and purging
- Risk factors: childhood sexual and physical abuse, or post-traumatic stress, recent sexual assult
- More American woman than men are bulimic
- Seldom fatal but can be harmful to the body
– Depression, dental problem, damage to mouth and esophagus, anemia
Bulimia: treatment
- Cognitive behavioral treatment (CBT) is preferred treatment
– identify distorted cognition and behaviors
– may keep a diary to help monitor episodes - Interpersonal psychotherapy has also been used but takes a bit longer than CBT
- Antidepressants have also been used to treat bulimia
- 70% of bulimics recover as a result of therapy
Binge Eating Disorder
- Exhibit frequent binge eating episodes (once a week for at least three months). feelings of lack of control, and distress
- American women binge eat more than men
- Treatment
– Cognitive behavioral therapy is helpful in controlling episodes
1 Timothy 4:8
For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come
Types of Physical Activity
There are only five types of physical activity
- isometric
- isotonic
- isokinetic
- anaerobic
- aerobic
Isometric exercise
- Contracting muscle against an immovable object
– example: pushing against a solid wall - Benefit: can improve muscle strength
Isotonic Exercise
- Contraction of muscles and the movement of joints
– Example: weight lifting - Benefit: can improve muscle strength and endurance
Isokinetic exercise
- Moving muscles and joints against resistance
– using specialized equipment that adjusts the amount of resistance according to the amount of force applies - Benefit: important in physical therapy and rehabilitation
Anaerobic Exercise
- Short, intensive bursts of energy with no increase in oxygen use
– Example: short-distance running - Benefit: can improve speed and endurance
Aerobic exercise
- Exercise that involved increased oxygen use
– Example: jogging, cycling - Benefit: works out both respiratory system and cardiovascular system
Reasons for Exercising:
Physical fitness
- increasing muscle strength
- increasing muscle endurance
- increasing flexibility
- increasing aerobic fitness, which helps lower heart disease risk
- weight loss or weight control
- emotional well-being- releasing endorphins
– reduces stress, decreases depression and anxiety