Test 3: NORA Flashcards
What can be used to decrease the risk of renal failure with the administration of contrast media?
Prevention = well hydrated, IV w bicarb, N-acetyl-cysteine
Who is at risk for renal failure with the administration of contrast media?
DM, ppl w CKD, dehydration
Why is contrast bad for the kidneys?
Contrast = iodinated compounds eliminated in the kidneys
How should an allergic reaction to contrast media be treated?
-Pre-treat those at risk (allergy to shellfish) w steroids (methylprednisone)
-Supportive care → bronchodilators, vasopressors
What are the mild symptoms of an allergic reaction to contrast media?
urticaria, fever, chills, facial flushing, N/V
What are the moderate symptoms of an allergic reaction to contrast media?
edema, bronchospasm, hotn, seizures
What are the severe symptoms of an allergic reaction to contrast media?
dyspnea, prolonged hotn leading to cardiac arrest, loss of consciousness
What is the Maximum annual occupational exposure to radiation?
5,000 mrem/yr
What is the cumulative lifetime occupational effective dose limit for radiation?
1,000 mrem/yr x age
How can radiation exposure be kept to a minimum?
ALARA = as low as reasonably achievable
-Wear lead aprons, thyroid shield, lead eyeglasses, dosimetry badges
What are the preoperative anesthetic considerations (not patient specific) when planning to administer a general anesthetic in the MRI suite?
-Anesthesia for claustrophobia, children, ppl that can’t lie still
-Concerns in MRI
Patient inaccessibility, Lack of patient visibility, Noise, Burns, Anxiety, Claustrophobia, Gadolinium nephrogenic systemic fibrosis
What are ferromagnet objects to be aware of when administering anesthesia in the MRI suite?
-Empty pockets/pagers/hair clips/phones…BE METICULOUS
-Beware of pt w implants, pacemakers, aneurysm clips, ocular implants
-Large tattoos made w ferromagnetic ink
-EKG leads special, temperature
-ALL anesthesia equipment must be for MRI – machine, tanks, pumps, etc
What is important to know regarding anesthesia in children with Down’s Syndrome?
-10-20% present w atlantoaxial instability
-Maintain neutral spine position w GA
Why is a cardiac echocardiogram performed prior to DC cardioversion?
Due to the risk of stroke from clots
What is Radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA)?
-Uses a catheter w an electrode at its tip
-Electrode is energized w radiofrequency energy & cells within path of electrode are obliterated