Test 1 part I (Clinical Monitoring) Flashcards
What are the AANA standards for monitoring and alarms?
- Monitor, evaluate, & document physiologic condition as appropriate for procedure & anesthetic technique
- Variable pitch & threshold alarms turned on & audible
- Document BP, HR, RR at least every 5 minutes for all anesthetics
- Oxygenation, Ventilation, Cardiovascular, Thermoregulation, Neuromuscular
- Inspection, Auscultation, Palpation
- Precordial Stethoscope (heart & breath sounds, all forms of anesthesia, Peds) or Esophageal Stethoscope (heart & breath sounds, temperature, only during GA)
What are the indications for ECG monitoring?
Measurement of HR, Diagnosis of arrhythmias, electrolytes imbalances, conduction defects, Diagnosis of ischemia, Pathologic Q waves
What is Heart Rate?
Electrical depolarization with systolic contraction
What is Pulse Rate?
Detectable peripheral arterial pulsation
Continuous ECG Monitoring =
Standard of care
Distorted ECG tracings
What are the most common causes of Artifact?
ESU, IONM stimulation, shavers
Which part of the ECG waveform represents atrial depolarization?
P Wave
Which part of the ECG waveform represents the bridge between atrial and ventricular activation?
PR Interval
What is a normal PR Interval?
0.12-0.2 sec
Which part of the ECG waveform represents ventricular depolarization?
QRS Complex
What is the normal length of time for a QRS complex?
0.06-0.1 sec
Which part of the ECG waveform represents ventricular repolarization?
ST Segment
Which part of the ECG waveform represents ventricular repolarization?
T Wave
What are the standard limb leads and what direction is their waveforms?
I, II, and III; positive
What are Goldberger’s Augmented Leads?
aVR, aVL, and aVF
Which direction is the waveform for aVR?
Which direction is the waveform for aVL?
P&T Negative, QRS Biphasic
Which direction is the waveform for aVf?
What are the precordial chest leads?
What direction are the waveforms for the precordial leads?
P&T positive, QRS start negative and end positive