Test 3 Flashcards
oryza sativa #1 food cereal nutritious sacred grain in many regions valuable commodity
Rice history
5500 years ago China India, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Japan 500 B.C. U.S. coastal regions S.Carolina-Texas 1685 SW Louisiana 1880s Arkansas 1907 92% rice grown and consumed in Asia
Rice botany
warm season annual C3 aerenchyma vessels shallow root system 4-6 months growing season 50 F min growing temp 8-35 in water consumption per month growth prediction DD50 model
How does rice grow in water
through aerenchyma vessels
DD50 model
predicts days to certain growth stages based on:
date emerged
used to help in management
reminds growers to fertilize, pesticide, scout for disease and insects, drain and expect harvest
Rice crop growth stages
leaf 5, Flood
panicle initiation
grain fill
Types of rice (ecosystem)
Types of rice (genotype)
oryza sativa var. indica: long grain grown in AR and SE oryza sativa var. japonica: short/med grain grown in Asia and CA, preferred in Asian markets red rice (#1 rice weed)
Rough rice kernel types
Rice milling
milling involves husk removal and separation 4 main products: whole seed broken seed hulls/husks bran, oil, flour etc
Types of milled rice products
rough rice brown rice polished rice rice bran rice hulls rice brokens rice flour par boiled rice
Rice milling yields
economic value of the crop
% whole grain and whole grain + broken grain
(% whole grains/% whole grains + brokens)
% brokens = 65-55 = 10
% hulls= 100-65 = 35
Planting rice
dry seeding with drill dry seeding by broadcast or air water seeding with pre-germinated seed by hand transplant ideal stand = 20 plants/sq ft sow about 40 seeds/sq ft flush fields to aid in germination
best time to plant rice in AR
optimum range: south apr 1-may 20 central apr 10-may 15 north apr 15-may 10 recommended absolute: south mar 25-jun 20 central apr 1-jun 15 north apr 1-june 10
Why so important to obtain quick uniform stand
- promotes high milling yields (#1)
- better weed control, fungicide efficiency, harvest efficiency
- reduce flood days
Fungicides seed treatment
early planting
ex: vitavax, manzate, thiram, dithane
Gibberellic acid PGR seed treatment
semi-dwarf varieties
early planting
ex: pro-gibb, release
Riceseed program
developed by U of A
software calculates optimum seeding rate given variety, soil, seeding method, and date
positively correlated with yield in normal year
water seeding rice
prepare smooth field, roll with ridged roller
pull levees, apply herbicide
flood, pre-germinate seed
apply by air
old way of controlling red rice
customary method of rice est. in S.LA
aquatic weeds and rice water weevils may be more of a problem
rice variety selection
market driven
mostly long grain unless contract for another arranged
4 classes of rice variety
long grain
medium grain
specialty market
4 genetics of rice variety
conventional (Wells)
hybrid (XL)
clearfield (CL) (naturally resistant to Newpath herbicide)
CL XL (hybrid that is also a CL variety)
3 maturities of rice variety
very early season
choosing rice variety
field history: disease, watering difficulty, past yields
red rice? other weeds?
soil: texture, grade, roads, wells
irrigation capacity and reliability
yields, disease resistance, maturity, planting dates, cost, markets