Test #3 Flashcards
When it comes to conscience you…
Have detection of right and wrong
CCC definition of conscience
Evaluation of a concrete act using sound judgment
Creative execution of the good
Informed conscience
Having all essential info available before determining moral character of an act
Distorted conscience
Wrong info presented as truth
St. Thomas Aquinas and truth
Believed in Romany of conscience to the extent of following it out of the church
Conscience is not
Majority opinion, Jiminy cricket, feeling, gut instinct
Jiminy cricket
Verbal voice that dictates what is right and what is wrong
What does a sound conscience do?
Zeros in on virtues and vices
Habit that empowers us to do good
Bad habit that inclines us to choose evil rather than good
What must you do with conscience
Keep it informed, and follow it
Moral virtue that ensures firmness in difficulties and constancy in the pursuit of the good
Witness ready to suffer and even die for truth and virtue
Reality of total fulfillment and union with god and neighbors
Despair and self imposed isolation
From purgation meaning to purify; purification of selfish tendencies within perspective of salvation
Church has authority in
Faith and morals
Sin is
Offense against reason truth and right conscience
Failure in genuine love for god and neighbor cause by a perverse attachment to certain goods
An utterance
Old Testament image of sin
Hattah : missing the mark
New Testament descriptions
Inclination towards evil eased by original sin
Mortal sin
Total rejection and alienation from god
Three conditions for mortal
Grave matter, full knowledge , complete consent
Sacrament of healing through which Christ extends his forgiveness
Venial sin
Personal sin that weakness but does not kill our relationship with god