Midterm Flashcards
Will to power
Truth and freedom are based on ones ability to impose their will
Ultimately hinders freedom
Will to power
Christ is tempted
Prologue of johns gospel
Logos (word) becomes flesh, aka incarnation
Hidden years
Luke temple
Public ministry
Christ developed through
Grace: relationship with father (abba)
Nature: family , own experience , education
Jesus is in Hypostatic union
Fully god, fully human
Matthew 5-7
Sermon on the mount / moral discourses
Moral discourses
Turn the other cheek (revenge)
Our father: describes perfect prayer and personal god
Beatitudes: describe internal transformation with being rather than doing
Matthew 5:48
The commandments
Meant to safeguard the good of a person and the image of god by protecting his goods
Heathy good habits that help us do good and empower us to be who god wants us to be
Theological virtues
Infused by god into our souls, enable us to live in relationship with blessed trinity
Christian notion
Saved us
Refutations are….
Freud said: product of our need to find our origins and cope with death
(Religion was made to restrain man from violent impulses)
Evil (deprivation and distortion in Christian notion)
Pain ( tragedy on vulnerable)
Developed by William Okcham for sake of protecting gods divinity which denies existence of universal essences
Nominalism leads to
Moral relativism: reduces truth to a limit but as same value
Science and reason
Angel out faith and anything metaphysical
Truth has to be clear and distinct
Morality becomes
Deontological: what should I do (rule based)
Who supported deontological and what code embodies it
Kant and Ten Commandments
Ontological ethics
Who should I be
What takes primary place in cardinal virtues
Intellectual virtue
Transcends caution
Prudence is what and geared towards
Saying the correct thing effectively and geared towards the good
Jesus says what two things in NT
Man shall leave his mother and father and cling to his wife and the two shall be one flesh
Adultery of mind
St. Paul in Corinth
Temple of Aphrodite: fertility cults
Greco roman rituals: orgies
Condemned homosexual acts
At Augustine
Rigid view on sexuality which stemmed from promiscuous lifestyle prior to conversion
Theology that focused on end and purpose
Sexuality is for procreation
John Paul the second
Influenced by philosophy of personalism: every person is a gift
Book: love and responsibility he critiques selfish nature of sex
Man should wait for partner to orgasm so that both experience equal pleasure
What conscience is not
Jiminy cricket, gut instinct, majority opinion , feeling
A sound conscience
Zeros in on virtues and vices
A good habit that empowers us to do good with ease
Bad habit that inclines us to do evil instead of good
You must what with your conscience
Form and keep informing
Listen to it
The moral virtue that ensures firmness in difficulties and constancy in the pursuit of good
Witness ready to suffer and even die for truth and virtue
Capital sins
Moral vices that give rise to many other failures to love
Sin is
Offense against reason truth and right conscience
A failure in genuine love for god and neighbor cause by perverse attachment to certain goods
Utterance deed or desire contrary to eternal law
Missing mark
Comsequences of sin
Alienates us from
New Testament description of sin
Inclination toward evil caused by original sin
Mortal sin
Total rejection and alienation from god
Three conditions for mortal sin
Grave matter
Full knowledge
Complete consent
Sacrament of healing through which Christ extends his forgiveness
Venial sin
Personal sin that weakens but does not kill our relationship with god
Change of mind or change of heart
Heartfelt sorrow and aversion for sin committed along with the intention to sin no more
Power rooted in reason and will to perform deliberate actions on ones own conscience
Philosophy that holds that every event action and decision results from something independent of human will
External freedom
Freedom from factors outside of ourselves that threaten to destroy our power to exercise choice
Internal freedom
Freedom from interior factors that limit choice
Limits of freedom
Human freedom is not absolute but limited
True freedom is not license
Major impediments
Ignorance: not knowing what we should or should not do
Duress: freedom is impeded when so,some tries to force is to do something
Fear: panic in the face of danger
Emotions are morally .. However
Neutral; to the degree that they engage our reason and will we can find moral good or evil in them
Jesus is
Fundamental norm of Christian morality
Standard model on whom we should pattern our lives
Guidelines or laws hat can help regulate human freedom
Source of norms
Scripture, tradition , human reason
According to genesis
Sexual was intended to be very good
Sexuality involves
Emotional and spiritual make up
Sixth and ninth commandments
Warn against disrespectful and harmful actions involving sex
Safeguard gods intentions for sex
God intended sexual intercourse
To be shared exclusively between a man and woman in the union of marriage
Moral means of birth regulation must be in harmony with
Two ends of marriage: openness to life and sharing of love
Effective natural ways of regulating birth
Periodic abstinence and natural family planning
Prudence involves
Saying things effectively
Study of end times heaven hell purgatory realities
Deprivation and distortion of the good
Creation is
Humanity is good
God is behind all that is good
Philosophy that denies here is any meaning in existence or religious belief. Only thing that matters is annhialation and nothingness
Outstanding human attributes
Capacity to love
Capacity to grow
Free will
Built to think
God made us
Social beings
It is part of our nature to live in
Various societies: groups that are bound by a principle of unity that goes beyond each individual in the community (families, neighborhoods, schools)
Catholic theology on creation
Magnificent creatures and summit of gods creative activity
Humans are…because god made us in……enabling us to
Unique , divine image , sharing in gods own life
Being rather than doing
Guidelines or laws that help regulate freedom
Paschal mystery
Life death resurrection of Jesus