Test:1 Flashcards
What are refutations a product of
Need for origin and destination (death)
Christian notion
Good, happy, redeemed us, plan/refutations
Deprivation and distortion in Christian notion
Tragedy on vulnerable
What was the moral problem and when
Need for a source, God was source of morality (vertical) prior and during Middle Ages
What did vertical /god being source do
Gave morality stability
Nominalism who and what
William Okcham sake of protecting gods divinity which denies existence of universal essences (fixed truths)
Moral relativism
Reduces truth to opinion but has a same value
What did nominalism lead to
Moral relativism
What takes primary place in cardinal virtues
Prudence is an Intellectual virtue that
Transcends caution
What does prudence do and geared towards who
Lows us to say correct thing effectively and good
Pieper says a prudent person is
Cautious effective reflective
We must evaluate truth in an
Unbiased way
Genesis 1:26-31
Be fruitful, multiply, subdue the earth
God made us in
Divine image
God created us as…. ; … And …. ; … Divinity
Complementary beings; male and female ; equal
Three pillars of creation
Creation is good
Humans are good
God is behind all that is good
Opposing viewpoint
Nihilism :philosophy that denies any meaning in existence or religious beliefs,only thing that matters after life is nothingness and anniahlism
Outstanding human attributes
Free will
Ability to think
Capacity to love
Capacity to grow
Free will
Power rooted in reason and will to perform deliberate action son ones own responsibility
Societies are groups ..
Bound by principle of unity that goes beyond each individual in the community : families , school
Original sin
Consequences of sin of our first parents; hereditary stain all human beings are born with
Commandments are meant to
Safeguard good of a person and the image of god by protecting his goods
Who we really are and who we are becoming through choices and actions
Healthy good habits that help undo good and empower us to become the person god wants us to be
Faith love hope
Esperanto prudence fortitude justice
Moused into our souls by god and enable us to live in relation to blessed trinity
Cardinal virtues
Four hinge virtues support moral living
Practical wisdom ; responsible decision making
Strength and courage to stand firm in our own convictions and do the morally right thing
Moderation that brings balance in our life or self control
Knowledge based on human experience, reason and gods revelation that discovers what we ought to do to live fully human lives
Human reason , human experience, divine revelation
Human reason: god given intellects
Human experience: collective wisdom of others alive or dead
Divine revelation: teachings of god as found in scripture and teachings of church