Test 3 Flashcards
Measurement is the process of describing some property of a phenomenon, usually by assigning numbers, in a reliable and valid way.
Interval scales are considered continuous when three or more categories are used.
A balanced rating scale has a neutral point, or point of indifference, at the center of the scale
A convenience sample is a type of probability sample.
Systematic sampling can, under certain conditions, yield a random sample.
Semantic differential scales can be scored using the following values, in order: -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3
A census is any complete group whose members share some common set of characteristics.
Nonresponse bias causes problems because it means that the sampling units that participated are different from those that did not participate.
A sampling frame is also called a “working population.”
Attitudes are considered a function of a person’s beliefs about some activity weighted by their evaluations of those characteristics.
Sampling involves using a small number of people in the target market to make conclusions about the entire target market population.
Attitudes are thought to have three components: affective, cognitive, and behavioral.
The first stage in the selection of a sample is to determine the sampling frame.
An individual member of a population is a sample.
Fixed-alternative questions give respondents specific limited-alternative responses and ask them to choose the one closest to their own viewpoints.
Fixed-alternative questions require more interviewer skill to administer than open-ended response questions.
Both ratio and interval scales both have an absolute zero.
Larger samples allow conclusions to be drawn with more confidence that they truly represent the population.
A question covering several issues at once is referred to as a leading question.
The questionnaire is the primary tool for building responses to research questions.
The head of the marketing research department instructs field interviewers to interview owners of DVD players in a shopping mall such that they each interview 10 Sony owners, 8 Panasonic owners, 6 Toshiba owners, and 4 owners of other brands. Which type of sampling procedure is being used?
quota sample
Asking respondents to remember something without providing any clues to help them remember is called ____.
unaided recall
A single element or group of elements that is eligible for selection via the sampling process is called a ____.
sampling unit
When a local television station sends a crew to interview joggers in the city park on a beautiful spring day, what type of sample is being used?
convenience sample
Three guidelines below help prevent the most common mistakes in designing questions. Which one is typically NOT used for this purpose?
avoid personal questions
Which technique uses nonprobability sampling, in which an experienced individual selects the sample based on his or her judgment about some appropriate characteristics required of the sample member?
judgement sample
Which technique recommends asking general questions before specific questions in order to obtain unbiased responses?
funnel technique
Compared to open-ended response questions, fixed-alternative questions:
require less interview skill
____________ involves using some process for selecting a few initial respondents and then uses those respondents to seek out additional respondents.
snowball sampling
____________ capture different values of a concept.
Where do you rank academically in your high school graduation class? ___ 1st quarter ___ 2nd quarter ___ 3rd quarter ___ 4th quarter is a(n) _______________ question.
Which type of validity addresses the question, “Does my measure correlate with measures of similar concepts or known quantities?”
criterion validity
“Should Dillard’s keep its excellent department store credit card program? ____ Yes ____ No” is an example of ____.
making an assumption
Which of the following refers to concepts measured with multiple variables?
All of the following are disadvantages of open-ended response questions EXCEPT:
Lists of respondents who have agreed to participate in marketing research along with their e-mail contact information are called ____.
online panels
The question: “Have you ever received a speeding ticket? ____ Yes ____ No,” is followed by a question: “When did you receive that ticket?” if the respondent answers yes to the first question. In this situation, the first question functions as a ____ question.
“What is your favorite hobby, playing video games, or what?” is an example of what type of question.
“I hate asparagus” is an example of which component of an attitude toward asparagus?
Dichotomous and multiple-choice alternatives in fixed-alternative questions should not have overlap among categories. That is, the categories should be ____.
mutuallt exclusive
- __________ questions pose a problem and ask respondents to answer in their own words.
A _________ is an investigation involving measurement of all the individual elements that make up the population - a total enumeration rather than a sample.
_______ questions provide a clue to jog the respondent’s memory.
Aided Recall
Order _______ results when a particular sequencing of questions affects the way a person responds or when the choices provided as answers favor one response over another.
________ sampling refers to sampling by obtaining people or units that are conveniently available.
In ________ sampling, a subsample is drawn using simple random sampling within each stratum.
_________ is an indicator of a measure’s internal consistency.
- A Fahrenheit temperature scale is a classic example of ________ scale of measurement.
Airport terminals are identified by Terminals A, B, or C. This scale of measurement is called ________
_________ is the long-run relative frequency with which an event will occur.