test 3 Flashcards
Kinesics is the study of communication through body language. Jamal is leaning back with open arms as he talks to the other members of his study group. He is most likely feeling ___________ his peers.
Question options:
amused by
relaxed with
admired by
anxious with
Which of the following statements about interpersonal communication is not true?
Interpersonal communication is a process.
You need to pay attention to both speaking and listening, if you want to be an effective communicator.
Good communication skills are important to adjustment because they are critical to happiness and success in life.
When you talk to yourself you are engaging in interpersonal communication.
When you talk to yourself you are engaging in interpersonal communication.
Which of the following is not one of the common themes underlying friendships?
Question options:
providing intellectual stimulation
expressing affection and support
social compatibility
participating in mutually shared activities
Below are several true statements about things that predict marital success There is also one false statement. Pick the false statement.
Question options:
Close relationships that include self-disclosure and acceptance of what is learned through disclosure are likely to be the most satisfying and long lasting.
Perfectionism is one of the personality traits most likely to be associated with marital problems.
People who are smiling broadly in childhood photos are those who are also less likely to divorce later in life.
There are six “foolproof predictors” that reliably predict the success of a marriage: family background, age, length of courtship, personality, premarital communication, and stressful events.
The more prospective mates are negative, sarcastic, insulting and unsupportive during courtship, the greater the likelihood of marital distress and divorce.
Elaborate questionnaires meant to measure couples’ marital satisfaction, may not be that good because they seem to measure marital complacency and lack of conflict, more than marital satisfaction.
Having happily married parents is associated with a higher probability of marital success.
Below are three true statements about loneliness. There is also a false statement. Pick the false statement.
Question options:
Shy people tend to be overly self-conscious, they embarrass easily and they are often timid about expressing themselves.
People who suffer from chronic loneliness often attribute their loneliness to stable, internal causes.
The key reason some people suffer from chronic loneliness is that negative social behaviors in children lead to rejection by their peers.
Loneliness increases with age.
Loneliness can be thought of as the body’s natural warning that there’s something missing you need to go get.
Josh is attracted to someone who has the same socioeconomic status, the same religion, and the same ethnic background. That’s an example of
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Below are three main causes of relationship failures and one false option. Pick the false option.
Question options:
focusing mostly on the positive qualities in their partner
having available the option to switch to a more attractive relationship.
becoming bored with the relationship
being ineffective at managing conflicts when they crop up
Which type of relationship is not explained by Social Exchange Theory?
Question options:
dating relationship
communal relationship
Below are several true statements about men’s same-gender friendships. There is also a false statement. Pick the false statement.
Question options:
Men’s friendships tend to center around shared activities.
Although there is controversy on the topic of intimate friendships, the most widely accepted view is that men generally have more satisfying close friendships.
In America, men prefer to talk to each other about sports, work, vehicles and computers than personal concerns.
Men’s friendships are influenced by the tendency for men to see themselves as competitors.
Although self-disclosure is an important way for friends to connect, men are socialized to be “self sufficient” and this interferes with the process of self-disclosure.
After meeting a few times, people typically begin getting to know each other more intimately. Below are three true statements about this process. There is also a false statement. Pick the false statement.
Question options:
When you believe someone likes you, you behave in a friendly manner, which encourages that person to respond positively, which confirms your initial expectation.
If you want to have a friend, be a friend.
Often times people come off as being too desperate for a friend, in which case the textbook suggests they hold back a little bit and play hard to get.
Couples tend to be similar in age, race, religion, education and attitudes.
What’s true about women?
Question options:
They tend to say “I love you” first.
They hold more romantic beliefs like “love lasts forever.”
They fall in love more easily than men.
They fall out of love more easily than men.
They’re more romantic than men.
Which of the following is not one of the communication patterns that Gottman identified as being predictive of marital dissolution?
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Which of the following statements about interpersonal touching is not true?
Question options:
As people age, men tend to touch women less, and women tend to touch men more.
Touch can convey messages of status and power.
Women generally respond more favorably to touching than men do.
Touching is more frequent between male-male pairs than between female-female pairs.
According to proxemics research, the personal-space zones of women appear to be __________ than those of men.
more fluid
more social
Below are several true statements about nonverbal communication. There is also a false statement. Pick the false statement.
Nonverbal messages are often clearer and more reliable than verbal messages.
Nonverbal demonstrations of positive emotions include sitting close to someone you like, touching them often and looking at them frequently.
Nonverbal messages may contradict verbal messages.
Nonverbal signals are different in different cultures.
A lot more information is exchanged through non-verbal channels than most people realize.
Nonverbal messages are often clearer and more reliable than verbal messages.
Which type of loneliness stems from the absence of an intimate attachment figure?
Question options:
emotional loneliness
chronic loneliness
social loneliness
transient loneliness
What is NOT typically a characteristic of close relationships?
Question options:
The partners in a close relationship are replaceable.
They come in many forms from family relationships, friendships, work relationships, romantic relationships, and marriage.
People in close relationships spend a lot of time and energy maintaining the relationship.
They are related to the some of the best aspects of life, including well-being, happiness and health.
They are important, interdependent, and long lasting.
They have a dark side that includes abuse, deception, and rejection.
People who engage in high levels of eye contact are usually judged as more ______ than those who maintain less eye contact.
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More than anything else, facial expressions convey emotions. Which of the following statements about facial expression research is not true?
Question options:
The six basic emotions that correspond with universally recognized facial expressions are surprise, happiness, sadness, anger, shame and disgust.
Facial expressions associated with certain emotions may have a biological base.
A seventh universal facial expression may be anxiety.
The TV show Lie to Me was roughly based on the work of Paul Ekman whose research identified six basic emotional facial expressions that Ekman said were universally recognized in all cultures.
Below are several true statements about parenting. There is also a false statement. Pick the false statement.
Question options:
Although voluntary childlessness is becoming more common, couples who make this choice are still in the minority.
The more children couples have, the lower their marital satisfaction tends to be.
Parents overwhelmingly rate adolescence as the most difficult stage of parenting.
Mothers of adolescents report the lowest levels of marital satisfaction.
Parents exhibit lower marital satisfaction than comparable nonparent couples.
Which of the following statements about the communication process is not true?
Examples of context include details about the sender and receiver such as their relationship, their history and their current moods.
Noise refers to the environment in which communication takes place.
Examples of noise include computer spam and physiological factors such as hunger and headache.
Examples of noise include profanity and ethnic slurs.
Channel refers to the sensory means through which the message reaches the receiver.
Examples of channels include phone calls, emails, gestures and touch.
Noise refers to the environment in which communication takes place.
According to Hazan and Shaver,
Question options:
adult romantic relationships are similar to attachment relationships in infancy.
those who had ambivalent attachments in infancy will probably never fall in love as adults.
those who had avoidant relationships in infancy often overcompensate by becoming excessively intimate in their adult love relationships.
all of these.
Below are three true statements about physical attractiveness. There is also a false statement. Pick the false statement.
Question options:
Human females prefer men with strong jaws, broad foreheads, muscular broad shoulders, slim waists and legs.
There is no general agreement about what makes a person attractive.
People may try for someone more attractive than themselves, but in reality couples often match up pretty closely on looks.
David Buss suggests an evolutionary explanation for why human males prefer attractive young females–in order to increase the chances of passing on his genes.
Although physical attractiveness plays a major role in drawing two people together, when asked, like on surveys, people sometimes report that they rank qualities such as kindness, humor honesty and intelligence above good looks.
Below are several false statements about detecting lies and one true statement. Pick the true statement.
Question options:
The face is the most revealing nonverbal channel for detecting if someone is lying.
Clues that someone is lying often leak from nonverbal channels because speakers have a harder time controlling nonverbal channels.
People who are lying tend to avoid eye contact.
Studies show that trained law enforcement professionals are really a whole lot better (than most regular people) at picking up on nonverbal clues that indicate when someone is lying.
People who are lying tend to talk more slowly than people who are telling the truth.
Below are several true statements about vulnerable areas in marital adjustment There is also one false statement. Pick the false statement.
Question options:
Men’s contribution to housework has increased over the years but wives are still doing about 65% of it in general and 78% of the essential “core housework.”
The vast majority of empirical studies have found little evidence that a mother’s working is harmful to her children.
The traditional role expectations for husbands and wives used to be fairly clear, but now modern couples need to negotiate and renegotiate role responsibilities.
Men who have lived independently for a long period of time before marriage are less egalitarian in their views about housework than those who have not had a very long bachelorhood before marriage.
Anthropologist Edward T. Hall (1966) described distance zones that are appropriate for middle class Americans. Below are some of the findings on distance zones. There is also a false statement. Pick the false statement.
People who interact at distances of 12 feet and beyond are considered to be in the public distance zone.
The distance that makes one feel comfortable depends on whom one is interacting with and the nature of the situation.
The closest interpersonal distance zone is reserved for a person’s close personal friends.
People feel most comfortable when co-workers and casual friends stay about 4 feet or more away
The closest interpersonal distance zone is reserved for a person’s close personal friends.
Each society has rules that govern whether and when it is appropriate to express one’s feelings. Among the display rules for men in many world cultures is found
the custom of hiding a huge grin politely behind one’s hand.
the custom of sticking out one’s tongue to greet friends.
the pressure to inhibit facial displays of emotion.
the pressure to smile at others even when they feel uncomfortable or frustrated.
the pressure to inhibit facial displays of emotion.
Below are several good suggestions to help you deal with conflict in a constructive way. There is also a false statement that is opposite of what your textbook recommends. Pick the false statement.
Question options:
It’s always best to tackle an interpersonal conflict right away, when and where it first arises.
Do your best to try to fully understand where the person you conflict with is coming from.
Use a positive approach and try to help the other person save face as you work out an interpersonal conflict with them.
If you are in conflict with someone of a lower status, try to set your power position aside while you work on the conflict.
Don’t automatically assume that those who disagree with you are ignorant or mean-spirited.
Below are three true statements about the declining popularity of marriage in the US. There is also a false statement. Pick the false statement.
Question options:
The median age of first marriage in the U.S. in 2018 was about 28 for women and 30 for men.
The median age of first marriage in the U.S. in 1956 was about 20 for women and 22.5 for men.
A smaller percentage of people got married in 2018 than got married in 1990, in the U.S.
There are less married couples in 2019 than there were in 1960, in the U.S.
Below are three true statements about predicting if relationships will last. There is also a false statement. Pick the false statement.
Question options:
What’s judged as an acceptable level of profit (benefits minus costs) in a current relationship is based in part on your best guess as to your chances for a better relationship with someone else in the future.
Social Exchange theory predicts that relationships where your costs are small and your benefits are big are most likely to continue and last.
What you think is an acceptable level of profit (benefits minus costs) in your current relationship is partially based on a comparison between your current and your past relationships.
People with a HIGH comparison level for alternatives are more likely to stay in a poor relationship because their options for hooking up with a different person and a better relationship are severely limited.
Below are three interesting facts about recent changes to the traditional model of marriage. There is also a false statement. Pick the false statement.
Question options:
Although marriage remains popular it is under assault from a few different shifting social trends
The previously held negative stereotype of single unmarried people is vanishing.
There’s an increasing number of unmarried couples who cohabitate and have children.
Reporting on current trends indicates that more than half of the married couples in the US are choosing not to have children nowadays.
Below are several reasons why using a polygraph to detect lies can be problematic There is also one false statement. Pick the false statement.
Question options:
Although called a lie detector, a polygraph machine really just detects emotions.
Research supports the idea that lie detector tests, when run by trained experts, are only about 85%–90% valid.
Some people experience emotional arousal when telling the truth.
Some people can lie without experiencing emotional arousal.
Daisey tends to keep her distance from others and is unconcerned about social rejection. She would be classified as which of the following attachment styles?
Question options:
anxious ambivalent
Below are several true statements about divorce and one false statement. Pick the false statement.
Question options:
People who divorce and remarry have a somewhat lower probability of divorce in their 2nd marriage than they did in their first marriage.
Divorce tends to have negative effects on children, but most children recover from divorce after a few years.
Even though most people know that divorce rates are high, most tend to assume their own marriage will not end in divorce.
A substantial majority of divorced people remarry.
Which of the following is a false statement about the topic of sexual orientation?
Question options:
There are more relationship differences between men and women than there are between gays and straights.
Sexual orientation refers to a person’s preference for emotional and sexual relationships with individuals of the same gender, the other gender, or either gender.
Most heterosexual women prefer to call themselves gay.
Heterosexism is the assumption that all individuals and relationships are heterosexual.
Of the relationship maintenance strategies, which one involves being open to spending time with the partner’s family members?
Question options:
social networking
mediated communication
The only thing we know about Amar’s parents is that they’re both really good looking. What’s the best theory to explain why Amar’s beautiful mom and handsome dad ended up together?
Question options:
comparison level for alternatives
parental investment theory
matching hypothesis
social exchange theory
Below are three true statements about the increasing divorce rate. There is also a false statement. Pick the false statement.
Question options:
Including people who split up permanently but who skip going through the legal process of divorce, it’s probably safe to say that close to 67% of all marriages end with a break-up.
The current divorce rate for couples is estimated to be about 43% to 46%.
Divorce rates peak between the fifth and tenth years of marriage.
The vast majority of divorces occur in the first decade of a marriage.
Below are three interesting facts about selecting a mate. There is also a false statement. Pick the false statement.
Question options:
Endogamy is the tendency for people to marry other people who have similar characteristics.
In Algeria, Chad, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, polygamy is commonly practiced.
Homogamy is associated with longer-lasting and more satisfying marital relations.
Common ways of dealing with unhappiness and jealousy that is often felt in polygamous relationships include believing that this way of life is God’s will, sharing things equally and respecting all the other wives.
Middle age couples who are caring for their kids and their parents are considered to be
Question options:
the sandwich generation.
empty nesters.
full nesters.
Below are several true statements about conflict and a false statement. Pick the false statement.
Question options:
Whenever relationships and issues are most important, avoiding conflict is generally a good idea.
In reality, conflict is neither inherently good nor bad.
If a relationship is of little importance to you, avoiding conflict may be more important than dealing with it.
Studies have revealed 5 distinct patterns of dealing with conflict including: avoiding it, accommodating (giving in to) the other person’s wishes, competing to win, reaching a compromise, and collaborating.
Whereas compromising means meeting a person half way, collaborating means finding a solution where both parties get everything they want, without having to sacrifice much in the process.
Listening well is an active skill. Below are several true statements about listening and a false statement. Pick the false statement.
Question options:
Good listeners pay attention to nonverbal cues in order to pick up important emotional and interpersonal meanings of a message.
A good listener leans forward in interest as the other person talks.
It’s important to ask follow-up questions to clarify what the speaker has said and to show you have been following along.
A good listener lets the other person complete his or her thoughts before responding.
It’s important that you restate briefly (paraphrase) everything you hear the speaker say, to avoid any misinterpretation.
It’s important that you restate briefly (paraphrase) everything you hear the speaker say, to avoid any misinterpretation.
Financial difficulties are one of the vulnerable areas in traditional marital adjustment. Below are three true statements about financial difficulties. There is also a false statement. Pick the false statement.
Question options:
Financials difficulties are associated with more depression in wives.
Financial difficulties are associated with more hostility in husbands.
The risk of separation/divorce increases as a husband’s income declines.
Financial difficulties are more associated with lower marital happiness in husbands than in wives.
According to those who study self-disclosure, all of the following are true except:
Question options:
A good example of superficial self-disclosure might be your opinion of the TV show you saw last night.
No matter what type of personal details you share, self-disclosing personal information always leads to feelings of intimacy.
Self-disclosing your personal info to people who are supportive is positive and can even be healthy.
If you self-disclose something personal to someone who looks around the room as if bored while you talk, you may end up with negative feelings.
People getting married at an older age has majorly contributed to the increase in the proportion of single adults. So, are these single adults happy?? (Pick the answer that correctly completes the following sentence.) Research discussed in the textbook (page 316) on satisfaction with one’s life among heterosexual single people, indicates that
Question options:
men get along without women better than women get along without men.
single men are more satisfied with their lives and less distressed than single women.
single people (which includes never married, divorced and widowed) are happier than married people.
single women are more satisfied with their lives and less distressed than comparable single men.
Below are several true statements about gay relationships and one false statement. Pick the one false statement.
Question options:
Gay and straight couples are similar in terms of the factors that predict relationship satisfaction.
Gay and straight couples are similar in terms of the sources of conflict in their relationships.
There has been an increase in the number of same sex couples opting to have children in the context of their gay relationships.
The vast number of children of gay parents grow up to identify themselves as heterosexual.
Evidence so far suggests that gay parents raise their kids in ways that are similar to heterosexual parents.
Gay couples have to develop their relationships in a world where it’s possible that family members and/or other social institutions may stigmatize, disapprove of, or discriminate against gay relationships.
Research on same-sex couples suggests that one of the partners almost always adopts a cross-gender role–so that there turns out to be a “mom” parent and a “dad” parent.
Which of the following is not considered an aspect of paralanguage?
Question options:
the content of message
the loudness of speech
the speed of talking
the rhythm of speech
Below are some suggestions on how to start a conversation. There is also a false statement. Pick the false statement.
Question options:
A good way to start a conversation is to look for things you have in common—a tattoo, a favorite sports team—and build a conversation around that.
A good way to start a conversation is to extend your hand, look the person in the eye and introduce yourself.
A good way to break down barriers to start a conversation is to share something private such as a personal health issue or a problem you’re having with one of your close friends or family members.
A good way to start a conversation is to comment on your surroundings.
Below are 3 true statements about Sternberg’s triangular theory of love. There is also a false statement. Pick the false statement.
Question options:
When passion, intimacy, and commitment are all present in a relationship, then consummate love is said to exist.
Measures of intimacy and passion were the best predictors of whether dating couples continued their relationships.
Companionate love can be divided into two components: commitment and intimacy
When researchers look at changes in each component over time, they found that commitment increased over the course of a relationship whereas passion decreased.
Below are three true statements about the definition of traditional marriage. There is also a false statement. Pick the false statement.
Question options:
Marriage traditionally involves an agreement to be sexually exclusive.
Marriage traditionally involves economic independence.
Marriage traditionally involves a shared responsibility for children.
Marriage traditionally involves living in a common residence.
According to the latest research from the USDA, on average, in the U.S., how much will it cost to raise a child born in 2019 from birth to age 18?
Question options:
about $127, 000
about $134,000
about $234,000
about $285,000
about $187,000
In order to develop his theory of the role of marital communication and risk factors for divorce, Gottman studied over 50 couples using a combination of interview and observational techniques. Gottman asserts that
Question options:
jealousy is by far the greatest of all threats to marital stability.
the style of communication is the key issue in predicting marital dissolution.
conflict and anger in marital interaction are not normal.
there are eight communication patterns that are predictive of marital dissolution.
Below are several true statements about assertiveness. There is also a false statement. Pick the false statement.
Question options:
Assertiveness and aggressiveness are not the same thing.
Assertive people strive to get what they want at the expense of other’s feelings and rights.
It’s not just important to be assertive in face-to-face conversations, but also in email and via social networking sites.
Basically, assertiveness involves standing up for your rights when someone else is about to infringe on them.
Many people, especially females, have a hard time being assertive.
To get what they need, some people who are not assertive work more submissively to get their way through passive aggressive behaviors such as withdrawing, sulking, or crying.
Alisha is being videotaped by John Gottman and she is communicating insulting feelings that her spouse is inferior. From the choices below, pick Gottman’s warning sign that Alisha is displaying.
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Who suggests an evolutionary explanation for why males emphasize material resources, while women emphasize their physical appearance when dating?
Question options:
Cindy Hazan
David Buss
Robert Sternberg
Phillip Shaver
Below are three true statements about things that initially draw two people together. There is also a false statement. Pick the false statement.
Question options:
People who are in close proximity to each other are more likely to meet and find things they have in common.
The mere exposure effect explains that positive feelings arise toward other people, just on the basis of seeing them frequently, whether you interact with them or not.
Your book lists proximity, familiarity and physical attractiveness as three major factors that bring people together.
The mere exposure effect is listed in your textbook as an example of how proximity can draw two strangers together.
The art of conversation is based on skills you can learn. Below are a few general skills that your textbook author gleaned from a book on communication skills. There is also a false statement. Pick the false statement.
Question options:
Use nonverbal cues (like nodding and leaning forward) to communicate to the other person that you are interested in him or her.
Focus on the person you want to talk to, not on yourself or on how you look.
While the other person is talking, use your down time to work out what you are going to say next.
Let the person you want to communicate with know that you like them and respect them.
Which is not one of the items discussed in the textbook as “a trend that challenges traditional marriage?”
Question options:
greater acceptance of divorce
financial difficulties
Below are three true statements about relationships between homosexual women. There is also a false statement. Pick the false statement.
Question options:
In one study discussed in class, almost 8% of women reported being attracted to a person of the same gender.
Relationships between homosexual women are usually “sexually exclusive.”
In one study discussed in class, about 2% of women reported having had sex with same-gender partners in the past 5 years.
Homosexual women would rather be called gay than be called lesbians.
In what type of relationship is a person most likely to feel that opposites attract?
Question options:
in a business partner
in a romantic relationship
in a best friend
in a brief, non-committal sexual relationship