TEST 2-Q2-romans 12 and humanism (MIDTERM) Flashcards
What is the humanistic philosophy referenced in Acts that promotes human logical pursuit as the fulfillment of ones life?
Who showed the great leadership by modeling the behavior of becoming less so that another can become greater?
John the Baptist
Who wrote the Two Treaties on Government?
John Locke
Who wrote the origin of species?
Who wrote the Democracy in America?
Alexis de Tocqueville
Which method of teaching law in America was based upon a belief that law is subjective to changes in culture?
Case study
The United States supreme court justice who ruled cases based upon the b belief that the law evolves over time, therefore past cases can be used to view growth and make new rulings is..?
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr
The concept in scripture that teaches each human being is valuable and has a unique role in the service of one another is…?
Body of christ
Who is one of the signors of the Humanist Manifesto that influenced government schooling in the US?
John Dewey
What is the concept found in Matthew 18, teaching us how to respond when we are offended?
Relationship reconciliation
What is the concept that teaches us the strength of society is found in the degree to which each individual strives to serve one another?
Fabric of society
What is the concept that teaches that the law of society will change as the culture of a society changes?
Sociological Jurisprudence
What is the humanistic philosophy referenced in Acts that promotes human enjoyment as the fulfillment of one’s life?
What is the method of teaching law in America that was based upon a belief that all law comes from God’s natural law?
What is the freedom from external control?
What is the 5 step pyramid model called and who is it written by?
Maslow’s hierarchy of Human needs by Abraham Maslow
What are the 5 steps to Maslow’s hierarchy?
- Psychological needs
- safety
- social connection
- self esteem
- self actualization
In Romans 12:12, paul teaches that we are able to be faithful in…
In Romans 12:20, what does the author teach about who’s responsibility it is to avenge the wrongs done to us?
we are to forgive the offense and allow God to avenge
Paul states that faith comes from hearing the message, and that hearing the message comes from where?
the word
In Romans 12:2 it states “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world”- what is the pattern of this world?
In Romans 12;12, Paul teaches that we are to be patient in:
In Romans 12:13, Paul teaches that relief from dwelling in our problems is found in what action?
serving the needs of others
Jesus came into the world to?
bring grace and truth
In Romans 12;2, Paul states that you will be transformed by the renewing of your what?
your mind
In Romans 12;2 Paul teaches that we are able to be joyful in…?
In Romans 12;20, why are you “hearing burning coals” on your enemy if you feed them or give them something to drink?
because they are not expecting you to love them
Romans 12 teaches that “we are to overcome evil with _____”
The intrinsic gifts and call that has been placed within you and on your life can…?
can never be taken away
In Romans 12, Paul teaches that relief from dwelling in our own problems is found in…?
sharing ourselves with people in need
What are the adjectives used to describe the word of God?(3)
- perfect
- pleasing
- good
In Romans 12;9, Paul states that the love we have towards others must be..?
In Romans 11, those who know the word of God and are called to share it with everyone are known as…?
Under what criteria are those who know the word of God and are called to share it chosen?
by the grace of god
What does Paul use as a metaphor to describe how to stay connected to God through Jesus?
ingrafted branches
The new opportunity each day to choose right behavior is…?
experiencing the kindness of god
What are the consistent consequences given when choosing wrong behavior?
experiencing the sternness of god
What is the name of the false god of the old testament that Paul warns against worshipping ?
Paul uses the words “blind and deaf” to describe people who find themselves in?
spirit of stupor
What word does scripture use to describe that your spiritual gifts and call cannot be taken away?
What verse is “whoever loves discipline, loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is stupid”
proverbs 12;1
What verse is “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction”?
proverbs 1;7
What concept does Paul address his address to the people of Athens in Acts 7?
God’s authority over humanism
Whats the year that the Communist manifesto was written?
What is the year that the first Humanist Manifesto was written?
What is the year that the origin of species was written?
What is the year that Maslow’s theory of the “Hierarchy of Needs” written?
What is the year that the US Supreme Court ruled in Roev.Wade that abortion was legal?
What was the era in which the Humanism became influential in American culture?
The humanist manifesto was the product of what era in the US history?
Who was the US President during this era of reform?
Woodrow wilson
During this era of reform, which human rights law was passed in the United States?
Women’s right to vote
What was the name of the law that did NOT allow the teaching of evolution in public schools?
Butler Act
Who argued in the Scopes Trial that teaching on evolution should be allowed in schools?
Clarence Darrow
Who argued in the Scopes Trial that teaching on evolution should NOT be allowed in schools?
William Jennings Bryan
What is the era in which individuals such as Galileo and Martin Luther has conflicts with established religion?
Who was the person from history who criticized the Catholic Church due to the manner in which the religion was not following scripture?
Martin Luther
What was the governmental system that was rejected by the humanist manifesto?
What was the governmental system promoted by the Humanist Manifesto?
What is the political belief system that states “the law must change as the culture of society changes”
Sociological Jurisprudence
What is the book within which the author observed that in America there is “ a connection between religion and liberty”?
Democracy of America
What is the document that declared that the rights of humans come from God?
Declaration of independence
What is the document that used Christian concepts such as understanding of original sin and the need tp lance powers as essential to its structural formation?
United States Constitution
What is the book that influenced in the colonists in America that the natural rights of man are derived from God’s natural law?
two treaties on government
What did the Humanist manifesto state about traditional religion?
people gave false hopes
What does the Humanist Manifesto promote as the “needs of humanity”?
personal satisfaction
What is the ability to understand the perspective of others, so you can relate in a loving manner?
What is a comprehensive set of truth claims that purports to paint a picture of its reality?
formal worldview
A transcendent norm of behavior (what ought to be) is known as______?
How people behave (what is) is known as their ____
What are six ways to show sincere love as described in Romans 12:9-11?
- Never lacking in zeal n
- Mourn with those who mourn
- rejoice with those who rejoice
- do not be proud
- do not be overcome by evil
- do no be conceited
What are three example that writers use as examples of advancements of humanity?
- higher or greater understanding of the universe
- scientific achievements
- greater appreciation of brotherhood
What are two primary reasons that the Humanist Manifesto has found an acceptable audience in Western Civilization?
- appealing to the sinful nature of humans
2. appealing to the fact that they did not want to accept the authority from organized religion
What are two primary ways that the Humanist Manifesto states that humans will face the crisis and problems of life?
presented by education and by customs
What are the ways that the Humanist Manifesto states that humans will NO LONGER face the crisis and problems of life?
- sentimental hopes
- unreal hopes
- wishful thinking
What is significant about the founding educational purpose of collegiate institutions?
were all originally founded on and to teach the truth of God