TEST 2- Q1 (MIDTERM) Flashcards
What are the wages of sin?
Suffering produces_____
which produces _______, which results in ______
- perseverance
- character
- hope
What is known as choosing NOT to retain the knowledge of God?
What is the name given to the people who humans surround themselves with to support their thinking?
What is the gift of God?
Eternal life
Has anyone been declared righteous by following the Law of God?
What did God provide for us to to make us aware of our sin?
Whats the place where humans often find their comfort and formulate an identity?
What will help us in our weakness and prayer?
Holy Spirit
After Jesus gave his followers the teaching in John 6 that His flesh/blood was the sustenance of everlasting life, what was the behavior displayed in the crows’a response to this teaching?
What is the simplest manner in which humans try to understand the world?
What is the wretched condition that Jesus saves humans from?
After Jesus rebuked his followers in John 6 for seeking physical needs instead of seeking for the coming of the Messiah, how did the followers respond?
After Jesus taught His followers in John 6 that God’s desire was for ALL to receive eternity through Him, how did his followers respond?
Sin entered the world through____
Life entered the world through______
Why does Paul describe a life without displaying love to others as “nothing”?
Because love is the only purpose of our life
Maturity is defined in James, Chapter 1 as…
fully complete; not lacking
What will an immature person base their decisions on?(3)
- act right and set a good example
- judge peoples behavior
- comdemns peoples bad behavior
What is the job that Jesus gives each of us to do while on earth?
love god, love others
James 1 and Romans 6 states that problems will give us the opportunity to do what?
grow in our relationship with God
When we follow all of the stops outlined in James 1 and Romans 5, we will have hope in…?
We have hope when facing the next trial
Choosing to please yourself rather than doing something you’re supposed to do is called what?
instant gratification
Choosing to put aside the pleasure you want and do the responsibility you don’t feel like at the moment?
delayed gratification
What does Romans 8:12 say?
“Therefore, brothers and sisters, we have an obligation—but it is not to the flesh, to live according to it”
What verse teaches that living by the sinful nature will result in having a “spirit of fear”?
Romans 8:15
What verse provides comfort for us, teaching us that we are “co-heirs” with Jesus?
Romans 8:17
What does Romans 8:18 say?
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
What is the manner in which we are to go about seeking answers from God?
without doubt
What is the wretched condition described in Romans 7 that humans need Jesus to save them from?
our struggle with sin
What is the spiritual law that Paul is referring to in Romans 7?
there is an internal war within your physical body
What Old Testament miracle did Jesu use to teach his followers in John 6 to focus on their spiritual needs instead of their physical needs?
Manna falling from the sky
Which was one of the miracles that preceded Jesus’ teaching about eternal life in John 6?
feeding of the 5000
What leadership style is permissive, because they’ll go along with anything as long as they are accepted?
Which leadership style is authoritarian?
Which leadership style is the one that will work hard to make others look bad, even at their own expense?
Which leadership style is termed as the “doormat” philosophy?
Which leadership style has a focus that is an obsession with making the other person lose?
Which leadership style is when individuals take the role of being sycophants?
Which leadership style that is the type of thinking that damages relationships?
Which leadership style is a scriptural example of a behavior that was displayed by Jewish leaders
Which leadership style is an example of the behavior that was displayed by John the Baptist?
Which leadership style will seek mutual benefit in all human interactions?
Which leadership style focuses upon who will get the credit?
Who is the individual who is credited with then win-win philosophy?
What is the cycle of sin? (4)
- Follow God
- Get comfortable
- Negative consequences of sin
- Repent
Which step do we have the opportunity to break free from continually repeating the cycle?
getting comfortable - step 2
** Know the instant and delayed gratification models
List 4 of the declarations we make in Romans 6 that illustrate our desire to live for God?
- Do not offer the parts of your body to sin
- Do not use the parts of your body as instruments of wickedness
- Offer the parts of your body to God
- Offer the parts of your body as instruments of righteousness
What does it mean in Romans 8, when it teaches that we are “more than conquerors through Jesus”?
We already conquered it ALL with Jesus
After Jesus taught the crowd in John 6, what was the reason that many of his disciples stopped following him?
because they were greatly offended with what he said
**Know the MODEL OF perseverance