Test 2: Movement Flashcards
“Upper” motor neurons
The Brain and Frontal Lobe
“Lower” motor neurons
Spinal Chord (works independent of rest of brain)
Contains 1/10 of nervous system, and the majority of neurons.
Ventral part of Spinal Chord
Motor Part
Dorsal part of Spinal Chord
Sensory Part
“Ventral Horn” part of Spinal Chord
Start of Motor Neurons
Neuromuscular Junction
space between neuron and muscle fibre
neurotransmitter responsible for movement
Cerebellum functions:
Coordination, rhythm, magnitude, accuracy, and timing of movement
“Forward Model”
Cerebellum predicts future events/movements
“body placement” cerebellum is broken up based on the body part it controls.
Purkinje Cells
adjust synaptic connection to associate actions with the context in which they’re performed
basic movements are give by the _____ of the prefrontal cortex
complex movements are given by the _____ of the prefrontal cortex
Frontopolar Cortex Role:
Long-term goals and multitasking with no sensory input