Test 2: Congress Flashcards
House of Representatives
Population-based on districts over 700,000 Direct election in district 2 year terms 25 or older Originated all money bills 435 members
Equality of representation by state At-large election in state 6 year terms 30 or older Advisory role more stability and deliberation 100 members approve treaties
Congress has the two most important powers given to any government:
The power of force (control of military)
the power over money
the district making up the area from which an official is elected
a representative who votes according to the preferences of his or her constituency
a representative who votes based on what he or she thinks is best for his or her constituency
agency representation
type of representation according to which representatives are held accountable to their constituents if they fail to represent them properly
(constituents have the power to hire and fire)
money bill
bill solely concerned with taxation or government spending
Holding the political office for which one is running
effort by members of Congress to gain the trust and support of constituents by providing personal services
the resources available to higher officials, usually opportunities to make partisan appointments to offices and confer grants, licenses, or special favors to supporters
pork-barrel legislation
appropriations made by legislative bodies for local projects that often are not needed but are created so that local representatives can carry their home district in the next election
apportionment of voters in districts in such a way as to give unfair advantage to one political party
party caucus or conference
normally closed meeting of a political or legislative group to select candidates or leaders, plan strategy, or make decision regarding legislative matters
Speaker of the House
Chief presiding offer of the HoR
elected at the beginning of every Congress on a straight party vote
most important party and House leader
majority leader
elected leader of the party holding a majority of the seats in the HoR or Senate
minority leader
elected leader of the party holding less than a majority of the seats in the House or Senate
standing committee
a permanent legislature committee that considers legislation within its designated subject area; basic unit of deliberation in the House and Senate
gatekeeping authority
The right and power to decide if a change in policy will be considered
Proposal power
the capacity to bring a proposal before the full legislature
after-the-fact authority
the authority to follow up on the fate of a proposal once it has been approved by the full chamber
conference committee
a joint committee created to work out a compromise for HoR and Senate versions of a piece of legislation
the effort by Congress through hearings, investigations, and other techniques, to executive agencies
the priority or status ranking given to an individual on the basis of length of continuous service on a congressional committe
agency loss