Test 2 CH7 Flashcards
What did Wyatt vs Stickney do for persons in institutions?
put behavior analysts on notice that a paradigm shift had occurred: right to treatment
What type of behavioral programs were written by “behavioral specialists”?
Programs to benefit staff (e.g. punishment for incontinence)
What is the relationship of a behavior analyst and a client in a two party agreement?
client hires the analyst, and can fire the analyst if unsatisfied, built in checks and balances
What is the relationship of a behavior analyst and a client in a third party agreement?
analyst presumably has to make the third party happy to keep job
What rights did the blue ribbon task force reach consensus about?
clients had a right to a “therapeutic environment” where their personal welfare would be of paramount importance and where they had a right to treatment by a “competent behavior analyst” who would conduct a behavioral assessment, teach functional skills, and evaluate the treatments.
What is the behavior analyst’s responsibility to the client?
to operate in the best interest of the client
How is client defined?
broadly applicable to whomever the behavior analyst provides services whether an individual person (service recipient), parent or guardian of a service recipient, an institutional representative, a public or private agency, a firm or corporation. (the person for whom you are providing services) primary clients are those who cannot advocate for themselves
What is the rule regarding accepting clients?
only accept clients that are commensurate with education, training, and experience. seek help if working with someone outside of expertise
Who are you responsible to?
all parties affected by behavioral services
What is the behavior analyst’s responsibility to third parties?
clarify nature of the relationship with each party at the outset.
What is the guiding principle regarding individual rights?
support indivudal rights under the law
provide credentials upon request
permission to record sessions
inform clients of their rights and how to complain
How do permission and consent impact electronic recording?
you need consent for each specific use (dont use at a conference if video was taken for data)
What is meant by confidentiality?
do not share data or information regarding any client
When should the limits of confidentiality be discussed?
at outset
What is the right to privacy?
clients right to have information kept private. Honored by only including relevant information
What is does HIPAA do?
Health insurance portability and accountability act, regulates privacy of records
What conditions must be met to maintain records?
federal/state law and corporate policy
Under what 2 conditions may confidential information be disclosed?
as mandated by law, or where permitted by law for a valid purpose
What are the behavior analysts responsibilities regarding treatment efficacy?
only recommend scientifically supported most effective treatment procedures
What are the rules for documenting professional and scientific work?
xYou must maintain written records of your work product so that at some later time other professionals may use the documentation to assist your client and to ensure accountability. Keep your raw data sheets, spreadsheets, and written summaries and reports in a secure location as required by law.
When submitting data to professional conferences or publications, what must be documented?
irb approval
institutional requirements
As soon as you establish a professional relationship with a client, what must be done?
reach an agreement specifying compensation and billing arrangements
What is a Declaration of Professional Services?
terms of consultation with regard to specific requirements for providing services and the responsibilities of all parties
Is it permissible to accept referral fees?
yes but, it puts your reputation at risk and must be disclosed immediately to the client
Under what 3 conditions may you terminate a professional relationship?
client no longer needs service, is not benefiting, or is being harmed
When terminating a professional relationship, what must you do?
discusses the client’s views and needs, provides appropriate pre-termination services, suggests alternative service providers as appropriate, and takes other reasonable steps to facilitate transfer of responsibility to another provider if the client needs one immediately.