Test 2 Flashcards
what is day 0
what is ovulation
release of an egg from an ovary
when does ovulation occur
24 hours before the end of estrus
what happens in days 3-5
the CH (Corpus Hemmoragicum) turns to a CL (Corpus Luteum)
what happens in day 14-16
diestrus occurs
what is diestrus
when the mare is not able to be impregnated aka the progesterone is high and estrogen is low
what are the 5 types of cells
1. primordial 2 primary 3 secondary 4 tertiary 5 dominant
what are the hormones
estrogen E2 progesterone P4 gonadotropin releasing hormone GNRH leutenizing hormone LH follical stimulatin hormone FSH Prostoglandin F2a PGF2a
what is estrogen
it is produced by a dominant follical
its responsible for estrus
what does estrus do
it opens the cervix and makes the mare receptive to be bred
what are the three follicular changes was ovulation approches
the uterus changes shape
it develops a luteal ring
the follicular fluid gets cloudy
what is the purpose of the cervix
its the natural barrier that protects from bacteria
what does an inncrease in progesterone cause
diestrus - no breeding
how does the cervix change during the estrus cycle
when its open shes in estrus
when its closed shes in diestrus
what hormones cause the cervix to change
estrogen opens it
progesterone closes it
what do you use to examine the mare?
a speculum
signs to breed your mare
showing signs of estrus
has a large follicle on her ovary that is starting to show signs of ovulating
her cervix is open
pros of AI
genetic variation
controlled breeding date
its safer
the stud can cover more mares
cons of AI
labor intensive
reduced fertility
what is a breedable dose of semen?
1 billion sperm and 250-500 MILLION PROGRESSIVELY MOTILE SPERM
how do you calculate a breedable dose
PMMN’s volume*Concentration * progressively motile * morphological normal
what is a mornal breeding dose
10-50 ml
1-1 extended fro on farm insemination
3-1 for cooled and shipped semen
what equipment is needed for AI
Sterile gloved non spermacidal lube pipette semen mare handler ect
what is differeent in AI and live cover
AI you go through the uterus to the cervix stud wont go in the uterus
live cover
what is progesterone
Produced by the CL
no hormone diestrus and it maintains pregnancy
what is FSH
produced by pituitary gland
responsible for follicular growth and development
what do follicles do
grow and develop through the estrus cycle until ovulation
when does the luteal phase start
at ovulation and ends at PGF2a which leads to leutialisis
when is the follicular phase
before and after ovulation
what is leutialisis - luteal licing
the destruction of the CL which occurs at the end of the luteal ohase
what does the follicular phase consist of
the growth and development of follicles
there is an increase of estrogen
what does the luteal phase consist of
increase in progesterone from the CL
what is the lutenizing hormone
its produced by the anterior pituitary gland and it is responsible for ovulation
what is PGF2a
produced by the non pregnant uterus
responsible for lysis of the CL and the return for estrus
what is anestrus
complete abscence of estrus
what are mares
seasonally polyestrus
how long does the cycle last
21 days on average
what are the Gonadotropins
what is produced if pregnancy isn’t detected by day 14 t
PGF2a to create the lycing of the CL
causes a contraction of smooth muscle
what are the options for breeding
pasture, hand and AI
who do you need for a stallion collection
handler for both horses washer bucket holder and an av tech and spotter
three most important characteristics for an av
temperature pressure and lube
diffrence between missouri and the colorado av
missouri is lighter and easy to manuver but it looses temp
colorady is heavy and bulky
semen evaluation
ejaculate volume
gel free volume
progressive motility
normal levels
ejaculate volume 70 ml gel free vol 30-60 ml sperm concentration 100-400 X 10 ^6ml total sperm 7-10 billion motility greater than 60% Morphology greater than 60% normal
four major things about semen handling
1. avoid temp fluctuations 2 avoid uv exposure 3 evaluate it quickly 4 extend it quickly
what is the gross appearance of semen
watery opaque and near white
what does the gel fraction do
acts as a block and will attempt to seal the cervix acts as a spermacide
why do we care about the gel volume
tells you how many breedable doses you can get from one collection
what is the normal sperm concentration
100-400 X 10^6 ml
what is the total sperm number
the determination of total sperm number (Semen volume * concentration )
what is gross motility
alive and moving but but not doing anything theyre usually circling
progressive motility
the sperm that get your horse pregnant they ones with a mission
head of sperm
contains nucleus and acromosone
contains enzymes required for fertilization
the dna
connects head and tail
produces tail movement
principal piece
moves for propulsion
if you have a sample under 70% don use it
Progressively motile,
Morphological Normal Sperm
what is teasing
exposing a mare to a stud to see if she is in estrus
teasing methods
stallion in a box tease chute pasture teasing in pen teasing stall side teasing
signs of estrus
standing heat winking squatting vocalizing interested in stud showing the vulva lifting tail
signs of diestrus
pinned ears
clamped tail
refusal to approach stud
striking out
0 score
rejection of resense
1 score
not agressive but nit interested in stud
2 score
shows interest but its slow
3 score
more interest might show signs of estus winking and urination
4 score
intense interest standing heat continued winking and urination
dominant follicle
high estrogen low progesterone
What is the breedable on farm dose
500 million
What is the breedable shipping dose
1000 million or one billion they’re the same
How do you figure out how many mares you can breed from a single dose
Take your total PMS what is volume concentration and percentage multiplied together then you take that number and you divide it by the breedable dose
On farm breeding ratio
Off farm ratio
What is the minimum amount of semen and extender for on farm
What is the minimum shipping dosage