Test 2 Flashcards
Loss of internal water pressure
Types of wilt
Primary wilt-
can be overcome due to irrigation
Secondary wilt-
water loss that a plant cannot overcome, loss in biomass.
cells completely colapse, worst stage, overall death
Soil texture due to drought tolerance-
loam soil for turf management, 40% silt, 40%sand 20%clay. Can drain and hold appropriate soil water content.
during drought respiration is for?
the health of the plant
Water is a ______ ______ for light reactions
electron donor
_____ is the main site of photosynthesis and cool plants through stomata
Water stress cause stomata to _______ which decreases ____ as well as ___ rate.
CO2(comes in through stomata)
_____ or _____ need to occur so the stomata can open up or plant will die.
leaf buffer-
the area of air right outside the leaf.
Latent heat-
heat that water absorbs to become a gas
When there is not enough H20 for roots to take up and replace what is loss from stomata close leads to?
Water stress
ways to prevent water stress(4)
drought tolerance plants
Soil amendments
Water _____ can be slow if its dry so drill a ___ in hole in bucket.
shredded wood or pine straw
prevents evaporation from soil
place drip hose under mulch
What do douglass fur trees,redwoods, and pines mulches have in common?
Red cedar mulch-
nitche together well that cant be dispersed by wind
what do you have to be careful about when using stone gravels of high calcium carbonate content?
It will raise the pH of the soil
What type of mulch do acid loving plants like?
pine mulch
1 bale=
300sf at 4’’ deep
landscaping with plant materials adapted to low water and maintenance needs.
Pros of Xerscaping(4)
can reduce water use by 30-40%
less maintenance
less money
Fewer pests
Natural zones-
these plants survive/thrive with only rainfall
*naitive plants, furthest away form house or structure.
Low-water zones-
Plants that survive mostly w/ rainfall
mostly nature or good drought tolerate plants
Moderate water zones-
plants that require frequent watering
- closest to home/structure
- can be exotic plants,focal points
What is a color pop used for-
Drought plants(3)
sumac, yellow flax,tall fescue
Moisture control-
amendments used to improve water holding capacity in soil.
Course peat fibers-
bark and wood shaving included in it too.
Organic amendments-
will break down over time, during a drought can be hard for plant to get water.
Best time to plant a tree and why?
Late fall while dormant, less stress
If you plant a tree while its actively growing the plant will experience _____ and one of 2 things will happen, what are they? what does it depend on?
will grow roots and sprout leaves
or itll grow roots and drop leaves
how much root system is harvested
What accelerates transpiration?
Best soil fertility between____ and ____.
What do you consider when planting :(4)
Site specific plants
Energy conservation
Species Selection
What do you consider when considering choosing planting location?
building,powerlines, roads, lights
What do you consider when considering choosing planting site specific plants?
wet feet
soil physical and chemical properties(pH)
Summer shade-
Deciduous plant on west and south side of house.(oaks and maples)
Winter wind breaks-
Evergreens west and north side,(leyland cypress & arborvitaes
What are some considerations for species selection?
Privacy increase property value- 15-25% Color/flower Aesthetics Shade
When selecting a species what should you consult?
A USDA hardiness map
3 types of transplants-
Ball and burlap-most expensive(typically mature tree)
Bare root- cheapest (mail order)
Container grown- inbetween
Bare root(Whips)-
1-2 yr old peices of wood. cooler stored and shipped
Limitations for container grown plants-
Limited root system
dont store more than 2-3 weeks
the hole is crucial,needs to be larger than the root system and soil loose
Balled and burlaped process-
carve out the rootball
it needs to be in proportion to canopy.larger canopy =larger root ball.
A tree spade uses_____
What can you call before digging?
Tennesse 1 call- 811
A hole should be _____ the size of the ball. and the top root should be where?
at the grade
Trunk Flair -
1-2 in above ground “lungs”
top of root ball on trunk
planting below flair is #1 planting failure
Functions in O2 diffusuion
When filling a hole you should add?
25% organic amendment, Clay soil 2-4’’ of mix,
What should you do with unplanted inventory-
store in a cool/shaded area until used,
cover it with wet cheese cloth
keep bare roots stock in water filled buckets
Steps to follow when planting-
remove and plastic rope or metal framing from around root ball.
Place tree/shrub in hole
Cut top 1/3 of burlap away from top of ball
make sure root ball stays intact
check for proper debth
A proper hole consists 4 parts-
Sloping sides-water capture
Stage-foundation for ball
Root girding-
roots have grown to the walls of container and start encircling the root mass.
Before planting you should _____ the root ball.”________”
Score or butterflying(cut almost in half)
Backfiling soil:
bench soil into hole, 5-7’’ layers then pack
use water to help.
What do you do around the outside of the ball to help hold water?
Dam- especially at planting, use excavated mix.
What is necessary to hold a new plant upright?
What do you avoid?
What is typically used?
Staking-vertical method 2 poles
Avoid hitting the rootball
Standard barbwire post/metal twine (maybe hose)
When and how to use tree wraps-
young trees,winter planting,keep loose.
helps prevent sunscald on young trees.
Mulch after:
how deep?
planting/steaking and watering
2-4’’ of mulch
How do you water after planting?
well soak area around root ball, water deep and infrequently
let it dry down for 2-3 days and soak again.
What do you prune after planting?
Dead, decaying,diseased, and damaged branches.
Dont use pruning compounds.
When pruining to maintain what should be selected?
A dominate leader.
_____ should be crown
_____ should be stem
It is ideal to remove branches before they reach
2.5cm in size
Non comforming-
growing in any undesirable direction, or when two branches cross causing rubbing.
3 Ds-
Diseased,dead, damaged.
what is the most important part of tree care-
Pruning-remove 3ds, old or non-conforming branches.
Pruning to thin out-
removing entire branches are their junction with another branch or trunk.
thinning out-
Cutting all the way back to the truck
Heading (Back) Cut-
removing a portion of a branch back to lateral branch or bud.
Why prune-(4)
Air movement
Encourages Growth
Reduces the size of the plant
at planting, to remove dead branches, crossed limbs and to shape the tree or shrub(form)
Health(3) pruning-
Remove diseased,dead, broken branches.
remove improperly pruned stubs
protect people and property
Improve flowering-
younger flowering branches have more and bigger flowers.
Why do we prune hedges-
to increase density
Pruning at planting time-
prune yearly
remove uncomforming branches
remove lower branches as trees grow keep 1/3
when to prune roots-
long discolored or broken roots from bare root stock before planting.
Bare root hedge plants should be pruned to ___in off the ground
Healthy roots are what color
how much growth can be removed at one time?
Hand clippers, hedge shears can cut up to
.5’’ anvil is optimal
Lopping pruners cut up to?
saws are used for anything above?
1.5 and up
Best time to prune- why?
Late winter/ early spring
reduce the potential for disease
Best time to prune spring flowing shrubs-
after flowers fade
Best time to prune summer and fall flowing shrubs-
Renewal pruning-
spring removal of 1/3 of the oldest and tallest growth at ground level.(cane prune)
When to prune Sap producing trees-
wait until they have flowered,(early summer) before pruning.
ex.Azalea, Dogwood, Redbud, Forsythia
Plants to prune before spring growth-
Nandina, Roses, Hedges, Glossy abelia ,Crape myrtle
what is the most common pruning mistake- what is another mistake?
leaving to much stub
the flesh cut
Woody plants grow in 3 directions-
Up, outward, and girth
Branch Collar-
The junction between the main branch and trunk
a 30 degree angle is best
Proper cut will do what?
prevent infection/ decay from entering the main trunk
Bud orientation =
where do you prune?
direction of growth
prune above the bud facing out away from the tree.
When using a saw what method do you use?
3-cut method.
3 cut method-
1st cut-6’’ behind between mark 2 and 3
2nd cut-cuts the weight off
3rd cut- above meristematic tissue
Cutting V shaped crotches-
1st cut- 4’’ above crotch
2nd cut- 1/4’’ above crotch at 45 degree angle
Trees that tend to from V shaped crotchs-
Bradford pear
sprouts from the ground that come from the basal node,alaceration, or upper region of the root system.
they are resource hogs
Just a narrow crotch angle, pick most upright.
Water sprouts-
develop on main branch and grow directly upward.
When pruning large established trees-
1 call an arborist- liscenced and bonded
2) Crown thinning
3) Crown raising
4) Crown reduction
Crown thinning-
selectivly removing branches in the upper crown
Crown raising-
Removing lower branches to raise the position of the crown
Crown reduction-
removing large upper branches to lessen the weigh.
least desirable, remove double leader.
Arborist companies-
True green landcare,
Daivy tree Co.
When pruning for density what type of cuts do you want to use?
Heading back cuts
How long does it take for disease,fungi, or rot to enter a broken branch?
within 1 year.
Rules to pruning hedges-
new growth reaches 6-8’’ above height
prune so wider at bottom than top(TRIANGULAR)
every year remove 1/3 of the oldest tallest limbs
Pruning evergreens-
prune based on growth habitat
Pruning spruces,firs, and douglas firs-
Prune in late winter/early summer
just cut about halfway back
Pruning pines-
Flush tip growth each season
cut candles by 1/3- 1/2
do not cut back further than current years growth.
new growth on pines
Pruning arborvitae,junipers,yews and hemlocks-
early spring to prevent the just sheared look
grow continuously
prune to correct growth defects, look better naturally
slow growing.
only green on outside-tip growth
3 types of junipers-
creeping, spreading, upright
yews foliage-
produce foliage all the way back to stem
Arborvitae foliage is similar to juniper- how do you tell them apart?
Arborvitae foliage is flat
how can you reestablish lost leaders?
tieing up a side branch
pruning technique, horizontally trained branches symetricall matched on two side.
pruining shapes
How long do you wait before fertilizing after planting?
3-4 weeks
Fertilize trees at a rate of ?
2-4 lbs/N/year/1000ftsq of crown area
Do not fertilize heavily during when?
The heat of the summer
processed sewage sludge
Spring fert for what?
root uptake
If the plant is under stress do not fert more than?
1/2 lb per application
Use dry fertilizers when?
When roots are actively growing
Soil test do what?
provide information specific to the site tested and can gice baseline info on soil health
High levels of P and K can do what?
Surpress Growth
In managed landscapes ___ may not require aditional fertility
What is the most limiting nutrient to good healthy growth?
Nitrogen, 2-4 lbs per year/1000ftsq (trees) 50-200 lbs of product per acre/year
Rate of N dependent on:(5)
Desired rate of growth type of fertilizer used Irrigation/rainfall Soil type Time of year
recomendations for N application are based on?
caliper or trunk diameter at breast height, .5lb N/in
Rainfall can affect amount
Sufficient levels for balance of P and K-
P: 60-100 lbs/A
K: 150-300 lbs/A
Plant health care fertilizer
27-9-9, tree fertilizer
Best time to fertilize is?
where do you place w/ respect to drip line
Late fall,
2/3 inside and 1/3 outside of dripline
photosynsitive plants fert req-
does not require as many or as often fertilizing
Late fall fert plan-
put half of you fert down in fall all at once. at least 3/4 in form of slow release fert.
Spring fert plan-
put half down in 2 parts. march or may
feeder root located where?
upper 6 in of soil
A salt is what?
any combination of a positively charged cation and negatively charged anion.
Salt binds with water, to much can bind water in soil.
To avoid salt problems:(6)
choose low salt index ferts use balanced ferts dont over apply use coarse soil amendments moniter water quality water heavy and infrequent= flush- encourages deep rooting
Mychorihzal fungi
Symbiotic fungi that help trees
improve absorption of water and nutrients
helps plant with stress
endo- ecto
Nitrogen deficiency-
light green-pale yellow leaves,smaller leaf.(older leaves first)
P deficiency-
reddish brown-purple leaves(older leaves first)
K deficiency-
Leaf scorch (older leaves first)
interveinal chlorosis
same as iron except older leaves first
whorles of stiff growth near buds(witches broomish)
Death of terminal growth