Test 2 Flashcards
5 major regions of Spain
Meseta, Levant, Pyrenees, Cantabrica, Andalucia
Extremadura, Castilla la Mancha, Madrid, Castilla Leon
Murcia, Comunidad Velencia
Cataluna, Aragon, Navarre, La Rioja, Pais Vasco
Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria
Official/Co-official langueges of spain
Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician
Major Rivers
Ebro, Tajo, Duero, Guadalquivir
Economy in Cantabria and Asturias
Dairy products, coal mining
raised granaries on stone pillars, keep rodents away from grain, found in Galicia and Asturias
Economy of Galicia
Balearic islands
Western med. off the coast of the levant
Economy of the Pyrenees and major cities
wine growing (rioja), industrial, Zaragoza, Barcelona
Economy/major cities of Andalusia
tourism, Cordoba, Seville, Granada, Malaga, Roman amphitheatre in Merida
Economy of Levant /major cities etc
garden of spain, Murcia, agriculture (citrus, olives rice), manufacturing, industrial food processing, Paella (valencia)
in Cantabria, best example of cave paintings, bulls and bison, human figures
in Levant, cave paintings show domesticated animals, clear gender roles
Phoenicians (what did they trade)
traveled from Tyre, trading empire interested gold, silver, salt, textiles, Moresk mollusk
1st Punic War
Carthage loses Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia
2nd Punic war
Hannibal Barca v Scipio, loses to Rome
3rd Punic war
Rome sacks carthage
curved swords used by celtiberians
verracos (famous examples)
granite sculptures of animals mostly found in the Meseta, Bulls of Guisando
Huge Mosque inside a Cathedral, bridge built by Romans in 1st century
Amphitheatre of Merida
used for games/theatre, first backdrop, huge stone facade
Aqueduct (HUGE), runs in the meseta carries water a long distance
Expels byzantines from levant, unifies visigoth, founds city of Vitoria
converts to catholicism, banished/exectuted/canonized
Recared I
official visigoth conversion to Catholicism
antisemitism, enslaved jews, plague
Liber Iudiciorum, visigothic law code, increased power of the Church w/i state
Dynastic intrigue, decline of Visigothic power, increased social tensions
last king, loses to Moors at the Battle of Guadalete
Battle of Guadalete
where Roderick lost to the Moors
Tariq ibn Ziyad
Moorish ruler who invaded Spain
Abderraman I of Damascus
emirate of Cordoba, taken over southern part of peninsula
Abderamen III
First Caliph of Cordoba, autonomous from Africa
Muhammed bin Abi Amir
de-facto ruler of Al-Andalus,, controls a huge area of Spain
Christians who adopted Muslim customs under muslim rule
muslims living as vassals under Christian rule
christians who accepted Muslim faith and culture
Jews who became Christians, derogatory name
Muslims who converted to Christianity
those who were at home with Christianity and Islam, despised and used as spies by both sides
Aljama, Juderio
Jewish hidden ghetto/temples
Rodrigo Diaz
El Cid, conquers Valencia in 1094, letting Christians into the leant
Military orders of Spain
Calatrava, Santiago, Alcantara, Montesa
Ferdinand III
preserved the Mosque of Cordoba, brought the bells of Santiago back from the Mosque in cordoba to their original cathedral
St. Santiago
Santiago Matamoros, (Saint James the Moor Slayer) pilgrimage to the Santiago de Compostella. Cockle shell is the sign of the pilgrimage
Alfonso X “the Wise”
compiled the Siete Partidas, the law code
Los Millares
prehistoric settlement in Andalusia, uncovered many artifacts including “owl looking” bowl
Iberians (known for, animals they raised etc)
known for horsemanship, raised pigs, cattle, sheep. Excellent with daggers/arrows
Early Iberian Levantine Art
The Biche of Balazote, Sphinx of Agost, Sphinx of Salobral, Lion of Coy
The Ladies of Carthaginian Art
La Dama de Baza, La Dama de Elche (greek influence), Le Dama de Ibiza
Spanish born Roman writers
Seneca (stoic), Lucan, Martial, Quintillian
Spanish born Roman emperors
Trajan, Hadrian, Marcus, Aurelius, Thodosius
Saint Isodore
revitalized language, law, culture of Roman Hispania in his Spain, wrote Origins. Became Bishop of Seville pushed for religious political reform that gave more power to the Church. Saint of the Internet. Wrote Origins (encyclopedia)
Antonio Nebrija
published the book of Grammatica, unified Spanish languege
Cladius Ptolemy (3 big works)
brilliant greco-roman thinker wrote The Almagest (astronomy), The Geography, and the Quadripartitum (astrological)
La Celestina
Fernando Rojas wrote, tragic comedy about descendants of converted Jews
Prince Henry the Navigator
Portugese prince who funded nautical missions. created a school at Sagres point
Vasco de Gama
sailed to India around the cape of Good hope
Cathedral of Saint Domingo
the first European cathedral in the Americas, in the DR
Treaty of Tordesillas
divided the new lands outside Europe west of the Cape Verde between Spain and Portugal, Portugal got the east, Spain the west (new world), Portugal got eastern part of Brazil and thats it
Treaty of Saragossa
peace treaty between Spain and Portugal, to resolve the dispute about the Mollucas islands. Provided a second line of demarcation. divided it east/west
Pedro Caval
Portugese noble man who discovered Brazil
Amerigo Vespucci
the first explorer to show that the new land mass Columbus discovered was not connected to Asia and Africa as previously supposed
The battle of Toro
deciding battle in the war of castillian sucession, Ferdinand told everyone the Portugese had been crushed, so they disbanded
Tanto Monta, monta tanto
motto of the catholic monarchs, ‘as much as one is worth, so too is the other’
Muhammed XII
22nd ruler of Granada, surrendered to the Catholic forces Granada
Alhambra Decree
the decree of expulsion, kicking all of the jews out of Spain
Book of Good Love
Juan Ruiz is the author, one of the most famous examples of Spanish poetry