Spanish Colonialism Flashcards
4 major events of 1492
expulsion of Moors from Grenada, Jews from peninsula, Christopher Columbus’ expedition, Nebrija’s book of Grammer
Effects/reasons for Expulsion of the Jews
after moors expelled the Catholic monarchs wanted to unify the peninsula, Bank of Barcelona went bankrupt, Jews were core of merchant class
La Celestina
Fernando Rojas story showing blind fate leading everyone to disastrous end
Reasons for Columbus’ expedition
stated: bring wealth to Spain which was broke after reconquest of Granada,
Actual: probably wanted to emulate Marco Polo, his hero
Opposing views of Columbus’ voyage
discovery V encounter:
discovery says it should be celebrated
Encounter says it should be mourned
Invention of America
written by mexican author Edmundo O’Gorman, argues if America was discovered then recognize value of pre columbian america
America in Europe
written by Arciniegas; argues New world wasn’t changed by Europe but vice versa
Die de la Raza
day of the races, Columbus day in South America
mistress of Cortes, worked willingly, used words as weapons to Cortes, spoke nahuatl and mayan
document giving spanish power to enslave Natives unless they became Christian, must be read, often to natives w/o translator
El Dorado
city of Gold, legendary, sought by Sir Walter Raleigh
Treaty of Tordesillas
divided latin American terr. between Portugal and Spain
Premonitions of Montezuma
had visions Quetzalcoatl would return, Mont. dismissed servants military, swept the floor of the temple
Hernan Cortes
son of soldier who fought against moors, took La Malinche as lover/translator, sank ships so soldiers couldn’t mutiny
La Noche Trieste
battle where Aztecs temporarily drove Spanish out of Tenochtitlan
Chilam Balam
book of prophetic priest of same name fortelling end of the 5th sun
Actions of Moctezuma
sent 20 women to Cortes, believed Aztecs were fated to lose continually submitted to Spanish, stoned to death by his own people
Invasion of the Incas
Pizarro sailed to Ecuador, then into Peru by land, captured Atahualpa for room full of gold, melted the gold and killed Atahualpa (1533)
visions of the Incan Invasion
Inca Huayna Capac prophecized men with beards would destory the Inca as messengers of Viracocha
Manco Inca Yupanqui
Incan leader leader of the resistance to Spanish, he was killed but his son Tupac Amaru continued to fight, was eventually captured and beheaded
Antonio De Montesinos
dominican friar protested the treatment of natives
Juan Gines de Sepulveda
argued that Natives were not human so Spain had a right to conquer and enslave them
political ramifications for Cortes
Spanish crown wanted to unify, didn’t want feudalism brought a trial to Cortes accused of stealing, stripped of $$ and power
Gonzalo Jiminez de Queseda
conquered the Chibcha natives of Colombia
Encomienda system
land was given to conquistadores with native slaves, in xchange spanish had to christianize natives
Lope de Aguirre
joined an expedition to look for El Dorado, killed the leader tried to make his own kingdom seperate from Spain at the mouth of the Amazon
climbers of the social hierarchy
Bartolome de las Casas
slave holder in Cuba, renounced slavery took abolitionism, opposed encomienda system
Laws of the Indies
described as spiderwebs, catch the small let the big go free
Francisco de Vitoria
jesuit teacher: if natives invaded spain, would it be ok to treat the spanish like natives. Created the Jus Gentium, rights of the people
Vasco de Quiroga
Franciscan bishop tried to implement Utopia in new world, set up system for Tarascan Natives communal everything, called Tata Vasco
sucessor to encomienda system, large land like sharecropping
tax collector, magistrate worked with property owners to maintain monopoly
political bosses referring to the governors who had to find shady income when Spain had $$ problems
Founding of Buenos Aires
by Pedro de Mendoza as a base to find gold, destroyed by Natives, refounded by Juan de Garay
White + Black
White + Mulatto
White + Tercerones
White + Quarterones (considered European)
any mixed blood + Native America
Tente en el Ayre
suspended in air, those who are neither moving towards white or “colored”
Salto Atras
retrogrades, becoming less white
Charles V
Holy Roman emperor, also Charles I of Spain, wanted to be political head of Church, had troubles running empire; dualistic wanted calm but militaristic, seeking security yet insecure
royal representatives of the crown
one of the community, Spanish citizens for people rule
Phillip II
Faced various revolts, Economic problems, international relations problems,
Revolts during Phillip II
Netherlands, Moors in spain b/c of their customs being taken away, Aragonese nobles b/c of constitutional charters not being honored
Constititutional charters
Economic problems during Phillip II
needed money to supply wars, put down revolts so over taxed citizens
2. gold/silver led to high inflation in Spain
International Problems during Phillip II
treaty of Tordesillas caused problems with the other major problems, English Corsairs
Francis Drake
knighted corsair of the Enlgish raided Cadiz
major gold/silver ports of Spain
Cadiz, Seville
Battle of Lepanto
Don Juan of Asturias defeated Ottoman leader Ali Pasha
Defeat of the Spanish Armada
Francis Drake versus Duke of Medina, Drake attaked armada of Calais + storm hit and destroyed many boats
Council of Trent
doomed reconciliation with Protestants, started (debatably) the counter reformation.
- established popes as sole bishopric appointers
- Phillip II used inquisition as political arm of church
El Escorial
citadel of Spanish Catholicism, like Vatican for Phillip II, included Pudridero
the rotting pit, where Phillips ancestors were buried in El Escorial
Phillip III
lazy, let his advisors run country. kicked moors out of spain destroying the middle class, and crippling the inquisition, 30 years war, capital moved to Madrid
name for conversos (meaning pigs)
Cervantes history
student of erasmist, minor player at battle of Lepando, wrote Don Quixote to show culture of silence,
Don Quixote
shift of spain from chilvarous past to cynical renaissance world, archetype of the romantic spaniard etc
Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velazque
famous spanish painter, Las Meninas (painting of the painter painting) WE are the subject
King Phillip IV
probably basis of Don Juan, would sleep with women and send them to convents, father of Charles II
Charles II
the bewitched, last hapsburg so inbred he couldn’t do anything, ever
Don Juan
play by friar Gabriel Tellez based on Phillip IV or Miguel Manara who seduced cloistered nuns
Francisco Zubaran
depicted martyrdom of Christian women in painting, Saint Dorothea (flowers), Saint Apollonia (teeth) Saint Lucy (eyes on a platter), saintly seduction
San Juan de la Cruz
monk determined to implement Saint Teresa’s reforms. 4 major works: Ascent of Mount Carmel, Dark Night of the Soul, Spiritual Canticle, Flame of Love–> all depicted shedding earthly desire to be one with god
Saint Theresa of Avila
wanted to reform Carmelite order, relentless, stressed importance of domestic duties/self denial
Ignatius Loyola
former soldier, promoted reaching worldly activities of his christian followers doing tangible good
Life is a dream
by Pedro Calderon de la Barca, story of prince locked in a tower b/c Persus like prophecy, given chance and is super cruel
Jose Kondori
learned woodworking in mine of Potosi, built churches intertwining european culture and Native imagery
Slave Revolts
Yanga’s revolt in Veracruz, Fedon’s rebellion in Granada 1795
settlements in interior of SA formed by slaves
Syncretism examples
Tonantzin became Virgin of Guadelupe, Yemaya became Our lady of Regla (havana), Ogun became Saint Peter of the Iron keys
leperotic mixed raise colonial, sculpted 12 saints on the church of Congonhas
Sister Juana
brilliant thinker and writer, ostracized for being female poet, forced to abandon her instruments, creative devices put in prison, FAMOUS: “You foolish men” and “First Dream”
Atlantic Exchange
tomato, chocolate, sugar, corn, tobacco, chiles, potato Cattle, horses, pigs
native peruvian translator for Pizarro, learned Quechua and spanish, deliberately mistranslated messages between Pizarro and Atahualpa to sow confusion. When this was discovered he was drawn and quartered in front of the Inca
mandatory public service in incan society, modified by the Spanish to become a practice of legal servitude
massive relocation of indegenous peoples by Spain to newly built houses so they could be ruled more efficiently
colonial forced labor of the indigenous populations by Spain, was not slavery, but created slavery like conditions in certain areas
The black legend
style of writing that demonizes the Spanish and their practices in South America, often used by Protestant enemies
Age of Gold Art
realism with religious symbolism, light dark contrasts,