Test 2/28/14 Flashcards
Deign (v)
To condescend to give or grant
He would not deign to discuss the matter with us.
Inveigh (v)
To protest strongly with words
He was known to inveigh against injustice.
Purveyance (n)
Provisions provided
He appreciated the purveyance from the king.
Err (v)
To make a mistake
To err is human.
Ermine (n)
A white animal whose fur is used for coats
The queen wore an ermine coat.
Mercer (n)
A dealer in textile fabrics.
The mercer sold us some fabric.
Terse (adj)
Abruptly concise (short)
His answer was very terse.
Fife (n)
A high pitched flute used in the military
They awoke to the sound of the fife.
Pliant (adj)
Bending easily
The child was pliant.
Diadem (n)
A jewel in a crown
In heaven, we will have diadems in our crown.
Liable (adj)
Legally responsible
He is liable for the damage caused by his hasty actions.
Diffident (adj)
Lacking confidence in one’s ability
He was diffident about his spelling.
Pinafore (n)
A type of apron worn over a young girl’s dress.
She wore a pinafore over her dress.
Caprice (n)
A sudden, unpredictable change of one’s mind or the weather
She was known for her caprice.
Valise (n)
She traveled with a valise.