3/21/14 Flashcards
Croup (noun)
Any condition of the larynx or trachea characterized by a hoarse cough and difficult breathing.
The baby had croup.
Troubadour (noun)
Any wandering singer or minstrel.
The troubadour wandered into the king’s court and began to sing an epic song of love and romance.
Solace (noun)
Comfort in sorrow or misfortune
The minister is a dying man’s solace.
Congruous (adj)
The quality or state of agreeing or corresponding.
Congruous angles are the same angles
Vestment (n)
A garment worn by the clergy and their assistants.
Tommy Williams wears vestments each Sunday.
Chaise (n)
A type of lounge
They chased them off the chaise lounge.
Chrism (n)
A consecrated oil, usually mixed with balsam or balsam and spices, used by certain churches in various rites, as in baptism, confirmation, and the like.
The priest used chrism on the baptized child’s head.
Gibe (v)
To taunt, to deride
The school bully gibes the other kids into a fight.
Thesis (n)
The subject for an essay.
He defended his thesis on guillotines.
Expiate (v)
To atone for
Jesus expiated our sins.
Exultant (adj)
Highly elated, jubilant
Caesar was exultant as he rode victoriously into Rome.
Extraneous (adj)
introduced or coming from without; not belonging or proper to a thing; external; foreign:
There were extraneous substances in our water.
Exordium (n)
The beginning of anything, introduction
The oration begins with an exordium.
Coquet (n)
A flirt
She was quite a coquet in that she flirted with all of the men.
Quorum (n)
The number of members required to be present to transact business legally, usually a majority.
Congress must have a quorum present in order to vote on a bill.
Bisque (n)
A thick cream soup
They had bisque for dinner.
Torque (v)
To cause to rotate or twist
The robot torqued its arm.
Quietus (n)
A finishing stroke.
Having given a quietus to the argument, she left the room.
Piquancy (adj)
Agreeably pungent or sharp in taste or flavor.
The soup had a piquancy.