Test #2 Flashcards
The Musical Museum
the idea that newly written work has to be enough like the old works to fit in, but never enough to be interesting
Beethoven’s shadow
Biss’ book, a meditation on the art of performing Beethoven’s piano sonatas
term introduced by critic in the mid 1880’s to criticize the fin de siecle culture of the rarefied, artificial, esoteric, exacting taste and an acceptance of perversity; subsequently a favorite term of totalitarian authorities for uncooperative artist
decadent element of Struss’s Slome
shocking subject matter and decription of his opera
about a young girl who can only be aroused by death
end with her kissing a dead head
musical depiction and representation of non European people. The representation of a “distant” culture as exotic
orientalist elements of Carmen
Carmen is a sensual character. Chromaticism played in her Habanera
the name used outside to decpribe the Cuban contradance, names after Havana Cuba, all classes of society dance it.
the principal of developing variation
the are very subtle variations on a small amount of material, the process happen over a whole movement and is revealed best in repeated listening and score study.
whole tone scale
sense of “floaty” feel, lack of gravity, dreamly, Deemphasizing melody.
atonality, atonal
music that has no system of key or mode. there is no clear tonic, sounds tonally free and unresolving
second Viennese school
Schoenberg was the head along with two pupils, Webern and Berm Haydyn, Mozart, and Beethoven
Emancipation of Dissonance
dissonance was now free as consonance, and as valid
commitment by artist of the late 19th century and the early 20th century to reflect the historical present and move toward the future. A revolt against the late romanticism and musical naturalism
an early 20th century movement encompassing the work of Italian artist (futuristi), notably poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti and painter Luigi Russolo, who called for an “art of noise” and invented devises to produce sonic representation of the flourished and almost immediately after the 1917 revolution and involved extended instrumental techniques; their approach influenced american ultra modernists such as Henry Cowell
radical intensification of means toward traditional expressive ends. it can include a sense of awe in the face of sublime sensuality. works are usually vast, loud; long words with complicated textures. Motifs and variations applies to Mahler and Stauss