Test 2 Flashcards
What is Fear of Success?
Association of negative consequences with achievement
What are the 2 requirements for fear of success?
- The person must perceive achievement as possible
2. The person must associate achievement with negative consequences
Why are women changing career choices?
Step away from unfriendly environments, desire for greater job flexibility, the conflict between work and family, lack of female role models
What major factors influence sex differences in self-confidence?
Depends on the nature of the task. Is it considered more feminine or masculine to complete?
What is stereotype threat?
Activating the female stereotype hinders women’s performance
How do you disarm stereotype threat?
Putting effort over ability, disassociating identity from performance, educating others, self-affirmation
What is an internal attribution?
Cause is within a person
What is an external attribution?
Located in the environment
What is a stable attribution?
Doesn’t change with time
What is an unstable attribution?
Changes across time and situations
What causes do men have for achievement?
Internal Causes
What causes do women have for achievement?
Internal, unstable, or external causes
What is success due to?
What is self-serving bias?
The tendency to assign internal attributions for success and external attributions for failure
What types of play do boys prefer?
Egotistic dominance, Big groups, rough-and-tumble play, competitive, activity-oriented, dominance
What types of play do girls prefer?
Prosocial dominance, small number of friends, cooperative, relationship focused, structured activities
What is the gender segregation cycle?
amount of time spent with same-sex increases sex-stereotypic thinking and more negative attitudes towards to opposite sex
How do men interact with other men?
Negative social
How do women interact with other women?
Positive social
How does one sex talk to another sex?
More likely to adapt to the other partner’s style
What tasks are women more confident in?
Female-oriented jobs
What tasks are men more confident in?
Male-oriented jobs
How do men differ in language?
Speak longer, self-reference, directive
How do women differ in language?
Emotions, ask questions, longer sentences, minimal responses
How do men usually respond emotionally?
With anger and/or pride
How do women usually respond emotionally?
Emotionally expressive, especially with sadness, love, and fear
How do men express their emotions?
They try to suppress them and internally react
How do women express their emotions?
Positively and outwardly
What is the expectation states theory?
Sex differences in communication are due to the status differences between men and women
What is the dispositional level of analysis?
Emphasizes the characteristics of the person as a determinant of friendship
What is the structural level of analysis?
Emphasizes the different positions of women and men in society
How do girl friends interact?
Greater intimacy, self-disclosure, more likely group of 2
How do boy friends interact?
Larger social network, focused on activity, play with nonfriends too
How do both genders relate with looking for friends?
Want same qualities, lots of casual conversations
What is self-disclosure?
Revealing one’s innermost self
Who shares more about their personal issues?
What is co-rumination?
Repeated discussion
What barriers are there for male closeness?
Competition, homophobia, emotional inexpressiveness
Who’s friendships are more fragile?
Females due to high expectations
What types of conflicts are there in friendships?
Relational aggression, cyberbullying
What challenges are there for different-sex friendships?
Emotional bond, sexual, equality, audience, opportunity
What are the primary motivating factors for romantic relationships?
Support and companionship
What do men look for in women?
Physical attractiveness
What do women look for in men?
Intelligence, occupational status, good with finance, ambition
What do people look for in short-term relationships?
What do people look for in long-term relationships?
What are the top 3 traits wanted in a homosexual relationship?
Romantic love, faithfulness
What is the evolutionary theory?
Maximize survival of genes
What is Social Role Theory?
Emphasis on distinct division of labor
What is social construct theory?
Social norms dictate what is desirable
What is the sexual double standard?
Men can have lots of sex but sex outside of marraige is unexceptable
What is accommodation?
If one acts traditionally, the other is more likely to follow
What are emotional skills?
the management of one’s own and one’s partner’s emotions during interactions
What emotional skills are needed to maintain a relationship?
Being open, softening delivery, communication
What is an equitable relationship?
a person feels that what they put into and get out of a relationship is equal to what the partner feels that what the partner puts into and gets out of the relationship
Does relationship satisfaction go down for lesbians or gays?
Stays the same for lesbains, and declines a smudge for gays but goes back up