Test 1- Blood Gas Analysis Flashcards
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation

Measured variables:
o pH
o PaCO2
o PaO2
Calculated variables:
Calculated variables: o HCO3-
o BE
o Oxygen content (CaO2)
-emia applies to changes in blood
-osis applies to physiological processes
respiratory component
Assess PaCO2 for respiratory component
metabolic component
Assess BE (or HCO3-) for metabolic component
Normal pH:
Normal pH: 7.35 – 7.45
Acidosis: a physiological process, that occurring alone, tends to cause acidemia
Alkalosis: a physiological process, that occurring alone, tends to cause alkalemia
Mixed acid-base disorders:
Mixed acid-base disorders: different kinds of acidosis and/or alkalosis occurring together
Primary acid-base disorder:
Primary acid-base disorder: defined by the initial change in HCO3- or PaCO2
Compensation: change in HCO3- or PaCO2 in opposite direction to those of the primary disorder. Not classified in terms of acidosis or alkalosis.
Normal values
! pH: 7.35 – 7.45
!HCO3- : 24 ± 4 mEq/L
! PaCO2: 35 - 45 mmHg
Base Excess (BE)
! Refers to an excess or deficit in the amount of base present in the blood
! Defines the metabolic component of acid-base disturbances
! Positive BE: metabolic alkalosis
! Negative BE (base deficit): metabolic acidosis
! Refers to the difference of HCO3- from normal value if PaCO2 and body temperature were normalized
Anion Gap (AG)
! The amount of positive and negative ions should be equal in the blood
! Main positive ions: Na+ and K+
! Main negative ions: Cl- and HCO3-
! The difference between them can be used to estimate the amount of unmeasured anions (=AG)
! AG = (Na+ + K+) – (Cl- + HCO3-)
! Normal AG is 16 ± 4 mEq/L (lab. dependent)
Elevated AG
! If there is a metabolic acidosis, calculate AG
! If there is an elevated AG, then unmeasured anions may explain the cause of the acidosis:
o Lactic acidosis
o Ketoacidosis
o Uremia
o Drug poisoning: aspirin, ethylene glycol, methanol etc.
Normal AG
! If AG is normal then the cause of metabolic acidosis may be Cl- retention or HCO3- excretion
! Typical examples o Diarrhea
o Renal diseases
Total CO2 (TCO2)
! CO2 exist in blood as HCO3- and dissolved CO2 ! Dissolved CO2 is a small amount (~1.2 mEq/L) ! TCO2 is almost the same as HCO3-
! You can use them interchangeably if HCO3- was not available
PaCO2 equation
! PaCO2: partial pressure (mmHg) of CO2 in the arterial blood
! PaCO2 is directly related to CO2 production and inversely to CO2 elimination (alveolar ventilation)

Hypercapnia, Hypoventilation
Eucapnia, Normal ventilation
Hypocapnia, Hyperventilation
! PaO2: partial pressure (mmHg) of O2 in the arterial blood
! Does not reflect O2 content
! PaO2 is interpreted in light of the o FiO2
o Ambient pressure
o PaCO2
FiO2 and PAO2
! FiO2 = Fraction of inspired O2
o For 100% O2: FiO2 = 1
o For air: FiO2 = 0.21
! PAO2: partial pressure (mmHg) of O2 in the alveolar space
A-a PO2 difference
! The upper limit of PaO2 is the PAO2
! If gas exchange in the lungs would be ideal,
these values would be the same
! In real life, PaO2 is always lower
! The difference between them is termed A-a PO2 difference
! The term “A-a gradient” is often used but it is not ideal since it is not a “gradient”
Reasons for V/Q mismatch
! Atelectasis (common under anesthesia)
! Lung diseases such as o Asthma
o Pulmonary edema
o Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) o Pneumonia
o etc
PaO2 / FiO2 ratio
! Serves the same purpose as the A-a PO2 difference but easier to interpret
! Normal: > 500 mmHg
! Should only be used as a rule of thumb when o PaCO2 is normal
o Ambient pressure is at see level
! Insufficient oxygenation of arterial blood is termed hypoxemia (e.g. low PaO2)
! Not the same as increased A-a PO2 difference
! Hypoxemia is defined as o SpO2 < 90%
o PaO2 < 60 mmHg
5 causes for hypoxemia (Low PaO2)
- Low FiO2 (more exactly PiO2)
- Hypoventilation
- Diffusion impairment
- V/Q mismatch
- Right to left Shunt
A-a PO2 difference would be high in these cases
Nevertheless, under anesthesia while breathing 100% O2, we use A-a PO2 difference
Nevertheless, under anesthesia while breathing 100% O2, we use A-a PO2 difference to aid the diagnosis of V/Q mismatch resulting from pulmonary atelectasis
additional causes of hypoxemia are:
o Anemia (low Hb content in blood)
o Presence of pathological Hb specdies □ Methemoglobinemia
□ Carboxihemoglobinemia
! Think of it! PaO2 may be normal in these situations
! Insufficient oxygenation of the tissues
! Causes
o Hypoxemia
o Insufficient tissue perfusion by blood
o Insufficient uptake of O2 at cellular level □ Cyanide poisoning
□ Left shift of the O2/Hb dissociation curve