Test 1 Flashcards
Hysterical Neurosis
Anna O experienced physical symptoms…vision disturbances…paralysis…headaches… for no apparent reason.
- genesis of symptomology is the mind due to unresolved conflict
- only women can feel this
- free floating uterus
- wherever the uterus located itself is where the symptoms were
“talking cure”
- form of verbal catharsis
- cleansing or purifying
chimney sweeping
emotional release from semi-hypnotic conversations
false pregnancy
abrupt and involuntary removal from awareness any threatening impulse/event
motivated amnesia of memories that are unacceptable to an individual’s conscious ethical standards
Blocking of external events from entry into awareness.
attribution to another person, one’s own unacceptable thoughts…feelings…behaviors
Reaction formation
transformation on unacceptable or anxiety producing impulses into their opposites
identification with the regression
adopting the traits, beliefs, and mannerisms of a feared object
Displacement/displaced aggression
redirection of impulses, usually aggressive ones, onto a substitute target when the appropriate target is too threatening…
incorporations into one’s own behavior and beliefs, the characteristics/traits of another
working hard to overcome or compensate a real or imagined weakness
focusing on non emotional details
What do all of the defense mechanisms have in common?
they are all unconscious and all try to modify reality
Emotional state that involves fear, worry, and physiological arousal
Generalized: Multiple causes, cannot specify what the cause is
Be sudden and overwhelming (panic attacks)
Manifest itself in the absence of the performance of a compulsive behavior
Adjustment Reactions
Disruption to person due to a know stressor
-examples: being pulled over by a cop makes your level of anxiety increase to a know stressor. Afterwards, the known stressor has gone away so the anxiety goes away.
Anxiety Disorder
Characterized by high levels of anxiety and conflict
Person may not know the source
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
- anxiety that is persistent across many situations and lasts for at least 6 months
- anxiety is not linked to and particular stimuli, but constantly present
Consequences of anxiety
poor performance on exams… social withdrawal… personal discomfort… high blood pressure… etc
Normal vs Abnormal anxiety
anxiety is considered normal and adaptive when it serves to improve peoples’ functioning or wellbeing. In contrast, abnormal anxiety is a chronic condition that impairs peoples’ functioning and interferes with their well-being.
Phobia (3)
-Persistent and irrational fears of specific objects, activities, or situations that have no justification in reality.
agoraphobia, social phobia, specific phobia
Individual avoids being away from home bc of a fear of being in situations in which escape might be difficult or embarrassing if panic symptoms occur.
Social Phobia
Person avoids only those situations in which they might come under the scrutiny of others.
Individuals avoid others bc of an irrational fear of behaving in an embarrassing way.
Demonstrate high levels of anxiety in social situations.
Specific phobias
all other phobias
Irrational persistent fear of specific objects or situations
Are the relief symptoms of catharsis temporary or permanent?
if temporary, why? No resolution conflict
Obsessive - compulsive disorder
Recurrent obsessions or compulsions
persistent idea, thought, image, or impulse that person cannot get rid of.
behavior that person is driven to perform over and over
object split into two parts: good breast/bad breast
child divides breast into to , good breast feeds me, bad breast makes me feel anger.
child wants to keep good breast safe but show anger to the bad breast because mom is not always there to feed child
Posttraumatic stress disorder
person experienced or witnessed traumatic event in which physical injury or life was threatened
event persistently re-experienced (disturbing dreams, flashbacks)
Person avoids stimuli associated with trauma
generally heightened levels of arousal (trouble sleeping, irritability, concentrating, exaggerated startle response)
symptoms last longer than a month
Personality Disorders
Presence of troublesome and persistent character traits that place person in conflict with social environment
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Feeling selfishness, aggressive, irresponsible behavior with a willingness to break the law, lie, cheat, or exploit others for personal gain
failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors
deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying for personal profit or pleasure
impulsivity…irritability and aggressiveness
reckless disregard for safety of self or others
lack of remorse