Test 1 Flashcards
What is the huge hydraulic machine?
Tide powered rice production.
Used along rivers and the ocean, relies on the flow of water back and forth along the rice.
Located near the mouths of rivers, took massive amounts of labor Georgia begins to embrace this method in the 1760s
Simplifies nature into and artificial ecosystem
(At this point the low country economy was driven by the slave Economy)
What is the task system
A system of labor based on task, slaves would be assigned a task and when they were done they were free to do what they wanted (like farm for themselves).
A task was unit of measurement, usually about 1/2 an acre
What was the planter landscape like on rice plantations?
Clearly marked as a leader and everything that is produced was owned by the planters.
Expressed attempts to manipulate water and dominate labor
But there was planter absenteeism because under the task system slaves did not have to be monitored
What was the slave landscape on a rice plantation?
They lived off the grid, did not have to be under constant observation and because of this they had there own autonomy and were able to create a community of their own.
What were the justifications for slavery?
- The great chain of being- there are higher and lower humans, slave owners thought that black people were inferior to white people.
- Benevolent paternalism-believed that “superior” whites should take care of the lower people
- environmental paternalism-environment determines your place in society, I.e. Slavery is not something that your choose it is just they was things are (plantation agriculture was a product of climate and environment, Africans thought to be better suited to labor in hot humid conditions)
What is the Holocene era?
This is the current geological era that began roughly around 13,000 years ago.
Followed the plasticine era and environmental communities begin to take shape
-human colonization begins in the Americas (could be as much a 50000 years ago though)
The shift from one era to the next began with a major extinction event.
Who were the paleo-Indians?
Lived about 13000 to 14000 years ago.
Big game hunters
Clovis point- arrowhead like hunting tool, part of a 2 piece spear
Bison drop- pushing large game over a cliff as a hunting strategy
Blamed for the plasticine over kill thesis- over hunted and cause the extinction event
They were completely nomadic
What is the archaic tradition?
About 8000 years ago
More diversified subsistence
Large mammals are gone they have to use more local resources
More sedentary had home bases and moved with the seasons
More efficient explorers of nature
Move into more specialized weapons for hunting
What is the wood land tradition?
3000 years ago
Elaborate methods of food Storage
Developed the bow and arrow
Started building large earth works like rock eagle
Developed agriculture and a farming community
Domesticated native and tropical plants
Extensive trade networks
What is the Mississippian tradition?
700 ad
Started in the Mississippi valley and spread southeast
Known for large earthen mounds with flat tops (could be used for burial rituals and living spaces for chiefs).
Widespread agriculture
The American triad- or 3 sisters crops which were corn, beans and squash
Were able to use fire in a predictable way (burning down a patch of Forrest so things would grow that would attract game).
Mississippian tradition continued
Stratified society where people were divided into elites and commoners
Elaborate belief system and artistic accomplishment called southeastern ceremonial complex
Political organization- chiefdoms and paramount chiefdoms
What are shatter zones?
The political and social organization of the Native American population has fallen apart due to the settlement of the Spanish and English native Americans have created separate alliances call splits among their own people
What was the Yamasee war?
1715 1717 war on the South Carolina frontiers the colonists weren’t totally sure who is leading the raids into South Carolina
What did James Oglethorpe do?
- Oglethorpe was concerned about the amount poor people in England because it made them look really bad
- making a new colony would help these people
- he came from a well-to-do family was elected to Parliament in 1722 astute politician Oglethorpe’s family was against the current crown
- he sought reform in transatlantic slavery he wanted the English government to regulate slavery
James Oglethorpe and setting up the Georgia colony
He was naïve about setting up a colony
- ruledGeorgia with an iron fist
- wanted Georgia to be a debtors colony so people could work off their debt instead of going to jail
- requested a charter for a new colony in 1730 it was granted in 1732 and named after King George the second