Test 1 Flashcards
Zhen Ren Yang Zang Tang
Actions: Warms the middle, tonifies def., restrains leakage, from the intestines and stops diarrhea
Indication: Chronic diarrhea or dysenteric disorders with unremitting diarrhea to the point of incontinence and in several cases, prolapsed rectum.
Mu Li San
Actions: Inhibits sweating, stabiles the exterior (and tonifies qi and yin
Indications: Spontaneous sweating, profuse and continuous sweating while sleeping at night, palpitation, easily startled, SOB, irritability, general debility, lethargy, a pale-red tongue, and a thin, frail pulse.
Si Shen Wan
Actions: Warms and tonifies the Spleen and Kidneys, binds up the intestines, and stops diarrhea
Indications: Diarrhea which occurs daily just before sunshine, lack of interest in food and inability to digest what is eaten, soreness of the lower back w/cold limbs, fatigue and lethary, a pale tongue with a thin, white coating, and a submerged, slow and forceful pulse. May also have abdominal pain.
Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan
Actions: Stabilizes the KD and binds up the semen.
Indications: Chronic spermatorrhea, impotence, fatigue and weakness, sore and weak limbs, lower back pain, tinnitus, a pale tongue w/white coating, and a thin, frail pulse.
Sang Piao Xiao San
Actions: Regulates and tonifies the HT and KD, stabilizes the essence and stops leakage.
Indications: Freq. urination, grey and cloudy urine (rice water), w/spermatorrhea, disorientation, forgetfulness, a pale tongue w/white coating, and a thin, slow, and frail pulse.
Suo Quan Wan
Actions: Warms the KD, dispels cold, shuts of urinary freq., and stops leakage.
Indication: Freq., clear, prolonged urination or enuresis, a pale tongue w/white coating, a submerged, frail pulse.
Gu Chong Tang
Actions: Augments the qi, strengthens the SP, stabilizes the Penetrating vessel, and stops bleeding.
Indication: Uterine bleeding or profuse menstrual bleeding in which the blood is thin & pale that either gushes out or continuously trickles out. Accompanying w/ palpitations, SOB, a pale tongue, and a deficient and big or thin and frail pulse.
Gu Jing Wan
Actions: Enriches the yin, clears heat, stops bleeding, and stabilizes the menses.
Indications: Continuous menstruation or uterine bleeding in which the blood is very red and may contain thick, dark purple clots, and alternates btwn trickling and gushing, a sensation of heat and irritability in the chest, abdominal pain, and dark urine, a red tongue, and a rapid, wiry pulse.
Wan Dai Tang
Actions: Tonifies the middle burner, strengthens SP, transforms dampness, and stops vaginal discharge.
Indications: Profuse vaginal discharge that is white or yellow in color, thin in consistency, not particularly foul smelling. Also fatigue, lethargy, a shiny, pale complexion, loose stools, a pale tongue with a white coating, and a soggy and frail or moderate pulse.
Yi Huang Tang
Actions: Strengthens SP, dries dampness, clears heat, and stops vaginal discharge
Indications: Long-term, unremitting vaginal discharge that is yellow-white in color, viscous, and fishy-smelling. Also pale-yellow complexion, dizziness, a sensation of heaviness of the head, reduced appetite, occasional loose stools, delayed menstruation w/pale blood, a pale, tongue w/thin, white coating or yellowish greasy coating and a soft, slippery pulse that may be submerged.
Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan
Actions: Enriches yin, nourishes blood, clears heat, and calms spirit
Indications: Irritability, palpitations w/anxiety, fatigue, insomnia w/very restless sleep, inability to think or concentrate for even short periods of time, nocturnal emissions, forgetfulness, dry stools, a red tongue w/little coating, and thin, rapid pulse. May be sores of mouth and tongue, low-grade fever and night sweats.
Suan Zao Ren Tang
Actions: Nourishes the blood, calms the spirit, clears heat, and eliminates irritability
Indications: Irritability, inability to sleep, palpitations, night sweats, dizziness and vertigo, dry thraot and mouth, a dry tongue, and a wiry, thin or thin and rapid pulse
Ding Zhi Wan
Actions: Tonifies the HT qi, pacifies timidity, and calms spirit
Indications: Feeling apprehensive, easily frightened, worried, disheartened, or incessant laughter and glee, together w/fright palpitations and forgetfulness, dizziness and a pale tongue, w/white tongue
Huang Lian E Jiao Tang
Actions: Enriches the yin, causes fire to descend, eliminates irritability, and calms spirit
Indications: Irritability w/sensation of heat in the chest, insomnia, palpitations w/anxiety, a red tongue w/ dry yellow coating, and a thin, rapid pulse. may be sores or the tongue or mouth
Gan Mai Da Zao Tang
Actions: Nourishes the HT, calms the spirit, relaxes hypertonicity, harmonizes the middle burner and tonifies the SP qi
Indications: Disorientation, freq. attacks of melancholy and crying spells, inability to control oneself, restless sleep (sometimes w/night sweats), freq. bouts of yawning, behavior and speech may become abnormal
Yue Ju Wan
Actions: Promotes the movement of qi and releases constraint
Indications: Focal distention and stifling sensation in the chest and abdomen, fixed pain in the hypochrondria, belching, vomiting, acid reflux, mild coughing w/copius sputum, reduced appetite, and indigestion
Chai Hu Shu Gan Wan
Actions: Spreads LV qi, harmonizes the blood, and alleviates pain
Indications: Flank pain, a stifling sensation in the chest causing one to heave deep sighs, suppressed emotions and feelings of frustration that easily give rise to anger, belching, abdominal distention and fullness, alternating fever and chills, wiry pulse
Ban Xia Hou Po Tang
Actions: Promotes the movement of qi, eliminates fullness, dries dampness, and warms the middle burner
Indications: Epigastric and abdominal distention and fullness, loss of appetite, fatigue in the extremities, loose diarrhea, and a thin, white slippery tongue coating. May be abdominal pain and vomiting of clear liquid.
Liang Fu Wan
Actions: Warms the middle burner, dispels cold, promotes movement of LV qi, and alleviates (stomach) pain
Indications: Epigastric pain that responds well to warmth, stifling sensation in the chest, hypochondriac pain, painful menstruation, and a white tongue coating
Jin Ling Zi San
Actions: Spreads LV qi, drains heat, invigorates blood, alleviates pain
Indications: Intermittent epigastric and hypochondriac pain, hernial pain, or menstrual pain that is aggravated by the ingestion of hot food or beverages, and is accompanied by irritability, bitter taste in the mouth, a red tongue w/yellow coating and a wiry, rapid pulse
Hou Po Wen Zhong Tang
Actions: Promotes the movement of qi, eliminates fullness, dries dampness, and warms the middle burner.
Indications: Epigastric and abdominal distention and fullness, loss of appetite, fatigue in the extremities, loose diarrhea, and a white, slippery tongue coating. May also have abdominal pain and vomiting of clear liquid.
Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang
Actions: Directs rebellious LU qi downward, arrests wheezing, stops coughing, and warms and transforms phlegm-cold.
Indications: Coughing and wheezing w/watery, copious sputum, stifling sensation, sensation in the chest and diaphram, SOB marked by relatively labored inhalation & smooth exhalation, a white tongue coating that is slippery or greasy. May also have pain & weakness of Low back & legs, edema of extremities, and fatigue.
Ding Chuan Tang
Actions: Disseminates and redirects LU qi, arrests wheezing, clears heat, and transforms phlegm.
Indications: Coughing & wheezing w/copious, thick, & yellow sputum, labored breathing, a greasy, yellow tongue coating, & slippery, rapid pulse. May also have slight fever & chills.