test 1 Flashcards
International Union for Conservation of Nature
founded in 1948. growing realization that man was having a profound impact on survival of biodiversity
Marine Species on Red
List Relatively Few
GMSA strategy
1) Complete ~20,000 Red List assessments
2) Use Biodiversity Assessment Unit methodology
Marine Conservation
The Science of..
– Protecting and Recovering BIODIVERSITY
Primary Focus of Marine Conservation Biology
• Conserve components of biodiversity
Unit 1: Defining Marine Conservation Biology
– Genetic, Species, Ecosystem Diversity
• Not just economic value but also to ensure use
is sustainable
Early Man
Profound influences since early time
(controversial for Pleistocene megafaunal extinction
event although 80% of N. American large mammals
disappeared within 1000 years of human arrival)
Early Man
• Very little evidence of early or primitive
conservation effort
• Pattern of exploitation and land use:
– Use it and move on to another source
• Interacts with environment to maximize its use
– Widespread use of fire to clear land by early people
Early man
‘Conservation’ without restraint and
cost is not real conservation
• Most environmental interactions by early man do
not fit this mold despite many efforts to paint a
picture of ‘noble primitive peoples’
• One potential early aquatic e
Francis Morris
F. Orpen Morris, 1860s
Early Site-Based Conservation
• 1576 – All hunting banned on mountain in Switzerland • 1836 – First bird sanctuary in England • 1872 –Yellowstone National Park
Sierra Club
Founded in 1892 by John Muir – Yosemite – Joined forces with Teddy Roosevelt to create National Parks Service
Wilderness Society
Founded in 1935 by Aldo Leopold (U. of Wisconsin) – Forestry & Game management …. – Areas that are still roadless should remain so, “Wilderness ideal.”
International Union for
Conservation of Nature
1948 Julian Huxley, 1 st Director of UNESCO helps to establish 1 st International NGO (IUPN) based on threatened species list
The Nature Conservancy
1951: Protect threatened
sites of special biological
and ecological value
World Wildlife Foundation
• The Nature Conservancy
• Conservation International
(offshoot of TNC, 1987)
SSC: Species Survival
1966 first official
Red List Published
parent organization of WWF
Michael Soulé
1978 First International Conference
on Conservation Biology.Led to creation of SCB
Smalles ecological scale. Type 1
smallest ecological scale Type 2
- Intraspecific
- Inerspecific
A group of organisms that interbreed & live in
the same place &
A group of spatially
separated populations that
interact at some level
A group of species interacting in the same place
All biotic and abiotic factors in an area
functioning as a unit
A major ecological community adapted to a
particular climate or condition on a large scale
Internal fertilization
Many gastropods, most crustaceans, all
Chondrichthyes, few bony fish.
complex mating behavior
Broadcast Spawning
Both eggs & Sperm e.g.
» Most bony fishes, echinoderms
Sperm only
» Sponges, cnidarians, mollusks, ascidians
Allee Effect
• Term used when population
reduction leads to reduced reproduction.Reduction in mating success with
declining density (W.C. Allee, 1931). Opposite?
– Greater population size increases PER CAPITA
population growth
Component Allee Effect
Positive relationship between specific fitness
• # matings, # seeds, offspring survival etc
trphy hunting, ecotorism, exoctic pets
Demographic Allee Effect
Positive relationship between OVERALL
fitness and population size and therefore per
capita population growth rate and population
size. Most worrisome
Multiple Allee Effects
Very common in east coast marshes, dense
– Low density populations suffer from increased
mortality from crab predation & ice
Anthropogenic Marine Allee Effects
Rare species considered more
valuable suffer enhanced
exploitation and become more rare
Life history traits
– Dispersal patterns
– Variable habitat us
Two major factors that influence
dispersal in marine organisms:
– Larval dispersal • Influenced by spawning method – Adult vagility • Swimming • Rafting
General Human Conditions
poverty, ignorance, affluence,indifference, technology