Terror/Yezhovshchina Flashcards
When did Kirov become Secretary of Equal Rank?
17th Party Congress 1934.
166/1225 delegates crossed Stalin’s name out
When was Kirov assassinated?
December 1934
What and when was the Ryutin Platform? Why was this impactful?
In 1932, Ryutin wrote a document basically slating Stalin, calling for the reinstatement of expelled party members like Trotsky, calling for the end of collectivisation, slowing down industrialisation.
Stalin wanted to execute Ryutin for this, but was blocked by unwilling party members. This showed decreasing popularity for Stalin
When did Stalin’s wife commit suicide and how did this impact him?
1932- he became more paranoid and felt as though he could trust nobody
What and when was the Trial of 16?
August 1936- Key figures like Zinoviev and Kamenev involved in a show trial
Who did Yezhov replace and when?
Yagoda in 1936
When was the second major show trial and who did it involve?
January 1937- It involved Pyatakov (piano guy)
When was the third major show trial and who did it involve?
March 1938- Rykov, Bukharin, Yagoda
When was state terror basically officially announced and how?
NKVD order 00447 in July 1937
How many people were roughly in Gulags in 1929, 1932, 1935 and 1936
1929- 100,000
1932- 1 million
1935- 2 million
1936- 5 million
What is the Western estimate for the deaths in the Gulags between 1918 and 1956?
Between 15 and 30 million deaths
Roughly how many members of the Red Army were killed in Summer 1937?
How many leading members of the army were killed in the military purge (1537)
Why did Stalin fear the military?
The military had always been Trotsky’s thing
By the Summer of 1937, what percentage of officer corps had been arrested or killed?
Over 50%, however many were reinstated for the War
Who replaced Yezhov, when, and why?
1940 by Beria. Yezhov was executed for being ‘too zealous’
When did Trotsky die and what impact did this have?
1940- It halted the purges, however arrests and state repression continued until 1953
How many party members were expelled between 1936 and 1938?
By 1939, less than 10% of party members had joined before 1920
How were the national minorities treated during the Yezhovshchina?
There was a wave of national deportations from 1937
In 1937, a large Korean minority was deported to central Asia when when war with Japan threatened
Many rabbis and religious leaders were arrested when around 2 million Jewish people were incorporated into the USSR in 1939 and 1940 due to the invasion of East Poland and the Baltic republics
What and when was the Stalin Constitution?
1936- Bukharin and Radek created this. It was supposed to move towards socialism and celebrate the ‘success’ of the previous years. Stalin declared that it was ‘the most democratic constitution in the world’.
When did Stalin launch a Chistka and what did this do?
1932- This rooted out all passive elements of the party and those who were not implementing their policies (about 22% of members were non-violently expelled)