Five Year Plans Flashcards
When was the first FYP in action?
October 1928- December 1932
When was the second FYP in action?
January 1933- December 1937
When was the third FYP in action?
January 1938- 1941
What was the first FYP focused on?
Heavy industry including coal, electricity and steel
What happened to steel, coal and electricity production over the course of the first FYP?
Electricity output trebled.
Coal and iron output doubled.
Steel production increased by 1/3
What were some weaknesses of the first FYP?
There was little growth, perhaps even a decline, in consumer industries such as house-building, fertilisers, food processing and woollen textiles. Chemical targets were not fulfilled. There was a quicksand economy
What was the focus of the second FYP?
There was much more focus on consumer goods, but there were still issues over quality. The plan was to consolidate whathad been achieved throughout the first FYP.
What were Vesenkha and Gosplan?
Two rivalling committees that tried to outdo each other with their target setting
What did the second FYP achieve?
By 1937, the USSR was basically self sufficient in machine-making and metal working. Transport and communications grew rapidly. Chemical industries, such as fertiliser production, were growing. Electricity production increased rapidly. Metallurgy developed- minerals such as copper and zinc were mined for the first time
What were the weaknesses of the second FYP?
Consumer goods were still behind, although they showed signs of recovery. Oil production did not meet the expected advances
What was the focus of the third FYP?
There was a major focus on the defence sector
Why did the third FYP not last five years?
Because it was interrupted by warfare
What were the strengths of the third FYP?
Defence and armaments grew rapidly as resources were diverted to them. Heavy industry continued to grow, but growth was uneven and some areas did poorly
What were some weaknesses of the third FYP?
Steel output grew insignificantly. Oil production failed to meet targets and a fuel crisis was created. Consumer industries failed again, and many factories ran short of materials
Why was 1938 a particularly bad year?
There was a really difficult Winter. Gosplan was also thrown into chaos when the purges created a lack of qualified personnel
What was the purpose of the FYPs?
They were to be used as a form of propaganda that would hopefully give soviet citizens a sense of urgency and to drive them forward