Territoriality and migration Flashcards
What’s migratory connectivity ?
The geographic linking of individuals or populations between different stages of the annual cycle, including between breeding, migration, and winter stages.
What does sedentary mean ?
Living in a fixed geographical location; the opposite of nomadic.
What’s philopatry ?
The tendency of an animal to remain in or return to the area of its birth. In many species of animals, individuals directly benefit from living in groups; philopatry (i.e., staying in the natal patch) can be selected for, particularly if local habitats are worth clinging to.
What’s natal dispersal ?
Natal dispersal refers to the permanent movement of juveniles to a new location after reaching sexual maturity, which plays a crucial role in gene flow between populations and impacts genetic differentiation and local adaptation.
What’s homing ?
Homing is the inherent ability of an animal to navigate towards an original location through unfamiliar areas. This location may be a home territory or a breeding spot.
What’s the inbreeding avoidance hypothesis ?
The inbreeding avoidance hypothesis posits that certain mechanisms develop within a species, or within a given population of a species, as a result of assortative mating and natural and sexual selection, in order to prevent breeding among related individuals.
What’s dispersal ?
Dispersal is an ecological process that involves the movement of an individual or multiple individuals away from the population in which they were born to another location, or population, where they will settle and reproduce.
What’s the game theory ?
Evolutionary game theory explores how animal behaviors evolve for survival and reproduction. It highlights how individual strategies depend on group behaviors.
What’s the arbitrary contest resolution hypothesis ?
The resident always wins territorial battles.
What’s the ressource-holding potential hypothesis ?
The competition for resources can be dangerous and for some animals, deadly. Some animals have developed adaptive traits that increase their chances of survival when competing for resources. This trait is Resource Holding Potential
What’s the payoff asymmetry hypothesis ?
Discriminatory behaviors directed toward the weak by the strong are seen as more indicative of prejudice than the same behaviors directed toward the strong by the weak.
What’s the concept of dear enemy ?
The dear enemy effect occurs when territorial animals direct less aggression toward established territorial neighbors than toward strangers.
What’s the concept of territory ?
Sociographical area that an animal consistently defends against conspecific competition
What’s the concept of home range ?
Area within which an animal normally lives and finds what it needs for survival. Basically, the home range is the area that an animal travels for its normal daily activities.
What’s the concept of density dependent habitat selection ?
Populations alter their habitat selection based on the relative profitability of two or more habitats with the assumption that habitat quality should decline with increasing population density