Foraging behaviour Flashcards
What’s aposematism ?
use of warning coloration to inform potential predators that an animal is poisonous, venomous, or otherwise dangerous.
What’s the concept of frequency-dependent selection ?
Situation where fitness is dependent upon the frequency of a phenotype or genotype in a population.
What’s the concept of landscape of fear ?
Spatially explicit distribution of perceived predation risk as seen by a population.
What are inclusive models ?
Inclusive fitness is the number of offspring equivalents that an individual rears, rescues or otherwise supports through its behaviour. Inclusive models try to get tendencies out of this concept.
What’s the concept of the optimal foraging theory ?
Optimal foraging theory hypothesizes that foraging animals make such decisions so as to maximize some of current of fitness such as the net rate of energy gain, and uses observation of the foraging environment along with mathematical tools to determine the hypothesized or ‘optimal’ behavior.
What’s homeostasis ?
State inside a system where variables like water levels, energy balance, temperature, and acidity are controlled so that the internal conditions stay the same over long periods of time.
What’s stotting ?
A series of high, stiff-legged jumps made by gazelles (Bovidae) while they are running.
What’s the concept of Müllerian mimicry ?
natural phenomenon in which two or more well-defended species, often foul-tasting and sharing common predators, have come to mimic each other’s honest warning signals, to their mutual benefit.
What’s the concept of Batesian mimicry ?
Form of biological resemblance in which a noxious, or dangerous, organism (the model), equipped with a warning system such as conspicuous coloration, is mimicked by a harmless organism (the mimic). The mimic gains protection because predators mistake it for the model and leave it alone.
What’s dichromatic ?
Having two different color varieties that are independent of sex and age.
What’s background matching ?
Type of concealment in which an organism avoids recognition by resembling its background in coloration, form, or movement.
What’s the concept of the selfish herd ?
The selfish herd hypothesis describes how individuals can reduce risk of predation by moving to specific positions within the group. Position in which the animal is separated from the predator by another individual from the herd.
What’s murmeration ?
A large group of birds, usually starlings, that all fly together and change direction together, or the act of birds doing this.