Terrestrial Nitrogen Cycle Flashcards
____ is the conversion of atmopheric nitrogen to a plant available form. This occurs either through an industrial process, as in the production of commercial legumes (alfalfa, clover).
N2 -> NH3 -> R-NH2
nitrogen gas -> ammonia -> organic nitrogen
Nitrogen fixation
N2 fixation
___ is a nitrogen loss pathway that is of concern to water quality. Soil particles are negatively charged and do not retain nitrate well. Rates increase as greater rainfall and nitrogen inputs (especially outside the growing season).
____ is the loss of nitrogen through the conversion of ammonium to ammonia, which is released to the atmosphere. Losses increase at higher soil pH and conditions that favor evaporation (eg. hot and windy)
Urea -> ammonium -> ammonia
___ is the process by which microbes decompose organic nitrogen from organic matter to ammonium. It occurs rapidly in warm, well-aerated and moist soils.
R-NH2 -> NH3 ->NH4+
organic N -> ammonia -> ammonium
___ occurs when nitrogen is lost through the conversion of nitrate to gaseous forms of N. This happens when the soil is saturated with water (aeration is poor).
NO3- -> NO2- -> NO ->N2O -> N2
nitrate -> nitrite -> nitric oxide -> nitrous oxide -> dinitrogen gas
denitrification (*leaky pipeline)
____ is the process in which nitrate and ammonium are taken up by soil organisms and become temporarily unavailable to plants. It is greater if materials with a high C:N ratio are added to a soil.
NH4+ and/or NO3- -> R-NH2
ammonium and or nitrate -> organic nitrogen
____ is the process by which microbes convert ammonium to nitrate. It produces the most plant available form of nitrogen. The process is most rapid when soils are warm (>5 degrees celcius), moist and aerated.
NH4+ -> NO2- -> NO3-
ammonium -> nitrite -> nitrate