Terrestrial Biomes Flashcards
Tundra Key Features
poorly developed soils, permafrost, found at high latitudes or high altitudes
Tundra Climate Description
short and soggy summers; long cold and dark winters; low precipitation
Tundra Dominant Plants
ground-hugging plants such as mosses, lichens, sedges, and short grasses
Tundra Locations
Alaska, Russiam Canada, Sweden, Finland, and Greenland
Tundra Human Impact
Fragile biome affected by climate change and oil and gas piplines
Tundra Animals
Caribou, Arctic Fox, Snowy owl, Musk ox, Ermine
Tropical Seasonal Forest (Savanna) Climate Description
warm temperatures, seasonal rainfall
Tropical Seasonal Forest (Savanna)
Key Features
fertile soil compacted by grazing animals, seasons due to moving ITCZ, large herds of migrating animals follow seasonal precipitation
Tropical Seasonal Forest (Savanna) Dominant Plants
tall, perennial grasses, some drought-tolerant and fire resistant trees or shrubs
Tropical Seasonal Forest (Savanna) Locations
Zimbabwe, Indochina, Bolivia, Tanzania, Namibia, India
Tropical Seasonal Forest (Savanna) Human Impact
Converson to land for agriculture and graing, hunting , poaching, mining, recreation, and tourism
Tropical Seasonal Forest (Savanna) Animals
African elephant, Black mamba, Baboon, Emu, and Mongoose
Subtropical Desert Climate Description
Low precipitation, variable temperatures
Subtropical Desert Key Features
Soils rich in minerals but poor in organic material, low resistance and resilience, low diversity, very low productivity
Subtropical Desert Dominant Plants
Cacti and other succulents, creosote bush and other plants with short growth cycles
Subtropical Desert Locations
Arizona, Egypt, Angola, Mexico, Iran, Saudi Arabia
Subtropical Desert Human Impact
Use of ATV’s, military exercises, drilling for oil, mining, nuclear waste disposal
Subtropical Desert Animals
Armadillo, Jackrabbit, Gila monster, Kangaroo rat, Fennec fox
Temperate Grassland Climate Description
warm to hot summers, cold winters, moderate seasonal precipitation
Temperate Grassland Key Features
fertile soils, also called pampas, prairies, or steppes, dry windy conditions cause fires that prevent tree growth, productive
Temperate Grassland Dominant Plants
lush, perennial (short and tall) grasses and herbs; most are resistant to drought, fire, and cold
Temperate Grassland Locations
South Dakota, Oklahoma, Kansas, Hungary, Uruguay, Ukraine
Temperate Grassland Human Impact
Agriculture, grazing, urbanization, habitat fragmentation, hunting, and poaching
Temperate Grassland Animals
Prairie dog, Badger, Prairie vole, Fox squirrel, Mink
Tropical Rainforest Climate Description
Hot and wet year-round
Tropical Rainforest Key Features
thin nutrient-poor soils, rapid decomposition and quick uptake of nutrients, “seasons” depend on location of ITCZ, most productive land biome
Tropical Rainforest Dominant Plants
broad-leaved evergreen trees, ferns, large woody vines and climbing plants, orchids and bromeliads
Tropical Rainforest Locations
Brazil, Congo, Indonesia, Bolivia, Peru, Madagascar
Tropical Rainforest Human Impact
Deforestation causes loss of habitat, loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, climate change, destruction of indigenous cultures, loss of potential medicines
Tropical Rainforest Animals
Sloth, Cobra, Chimpanzee, Toucan, Beetles
Temperate Seasonal Forest Climate Description
Cold to modreate winters, warm summers, year-round precipitation
Temperate Seasonal Forest Key Features
Fertile soils, rich in organic material from seasonal decomposition of leaves, long growing season, moderately high productivity
Temperate Seasonal Forest Dominant Plants
Broadleaf deciduous trees, some conifers, flowering shrubs, herbs
Temperate Seasonal Forest Locations
Indiana, Vermont, Japan, China, Germany, France
Temperate Seasonal Forest Human Impact
Much land is used for agriculture, development, and industry
Temperate Seasonal Forest Animals
Bald eagle, Coyote, Black bear, White-tailed deer
Woodland/Shrubland Climate Description
Hot dry summers, cool moist winters
Woodland/Shrubland Key Features
Thin nutrient-poor soils because of leaching by winter rains, also called chapparal climate described as Mediterranean, periodic wildfires
Woodland/Shrubland Dominant Plants
Woody evergreen shrubs with small learhtery leaves, fragrant oil herbs that grow during winter and die in summer
Woodland/Shrubland Locations
S. California, Nevada, Australia, Spain, Chile, South Africa
Woodland/Shrubland Human Impact
Human ignited wildfires, vineyards
Woodland/Shrubland Animals
Bobcat, Jackal, Javelina, Cactus wren, Roadrunner
Boreal Forest Climate Description
Long cold winters, short mild summers, moderate precipitation, high humidity
Boreal Forest Key Features
Nutrient-poor and acidic soils because of falling needles, also called taiga, only in northern hemisphere, moderate productivity
Boreal Forest Dominant Plants
needle-leaf coniferous trees such as spruce and fir, some broadleaf deciduous trees small berry-bearing shrubs
Boreal Forest Locations
Maine, Minnesota, Mongolia, Russia, Canada, Norway
Boreal Forest Human Impact
Affected by mining, oil extraction, logging, and hydroelectric development
Boreal Forest Animals
Canadian lynx, Gray wolf, River otter, Wolverine, Grizzly bear
Temperate Rainforest Climate Description
Mild temperatures, abundant precipitation during fall winter and spring, relatively cool dry summer
Temperate Rainforest Key Features
Rocky acidic soils, coastal biome, oceans moderate temperature and provide water vapor for precipitation
Temperate Rainforest Dominant Plants
Douglas fir, Sitka spruce, western hemlock, redwood, ground layer of mosses and ferns
Temperate Rainforest Locations
Washington, Oregon, Argentina, Australia, Tasmania, Taiwan
Temperate Rainforest Human Impact
Logging, mills, and coastal fisheries recreation and tourism
Temperate Rainforest Animals
Cougar, Elk, Porcupines, Tree frong, and Muskrat