Terms - Sociology Flashcards
Agents of socialization
People and institutions that shape an individual’s social development.
Anticipatory socialization
The process of learning how to plan the way to behave in new situations.
A large administration that pursues a wide variety of goals.
Based on facts, statistics, and data.
Unwanted child deserted at a young age and raised by animals.
Functional differentiation
Divisions that are created to help deal with a complex environment; these divisions operate independently but are connected to one another.
Child raised in near isolation within a human household.
An approach of sociology that analyzes social systems on a large scale.
The study of small groups and individuals within a society.
Expectations about how people should behave.
The application of the scientific method to obtain quantifiable data in order to understand society.
Primary group
A set of people with whom an individual has strong emotional and personal connections.
Primary socialization
The process of learning the basic skills needed to survive in society.
Social actions motivated by efficiency or benefit, not custom or emotion.
The process by which negative behaviour is transformed into socially acceptable behaviour.
The expected behaviour of a person in a particular social position.
Secondary socialization
The process of learning how to behave appropriately in group situations.
Social influence
The effect of other people on a person’s thoughts and actions.
The continuing process where an individual learns the appropriate behavioural patterns, skills, and values for his or her social world.
A set of questions used on a sample of the population study about opinions, values, or actions.
Shared ideas and standards that are considered acceptable and binding.
The study of human social life, groups, and societies.
Social identity
The way you define yourself to the world and to yourself.
Social role
Expectations attached to particular social positions.
An older or married woman who accompanies or supervises a young unmarried woman on social occasions.