Terms Pt.8 Flashcards
Discount Points
(14) The percentage of a loan which determines the amount paid to the lender to increase the yield. one discount point is equal to one percent of the loan amount.
Discount Rate
(14) The rate of interest the Federal Reserve System charges member banks to borrow money. By controlling the discount rate, the Federal Reserve controls the money available for credit.
(14) Occurs when withdrawals exceed deposits from savings and loan associations or other similar institutions because alternative investments offer a more attractive return.
Dominant Estate
(2) The land parcel which benefits from an easement appurtenant. When title to the land is conveyed, the easement is automatically transferred to the new owner.
(2) A wife’s life estate in the real property owned by her husband and conveyed to her by law upon his death.
Dual Agency
(6/18) Representing both the buyer and the seller in the same transaction. This practice constitutes a violation of the License Law, unless both parties give their written consent.
Dual Agent
(6) A broker who has entered into a brokerage engagement with both seller and buyer or landlord and tenant in the same transaction.
Due Diligence
(6) A proper and fair degree of care a buyer might use in inspecting a proposed purchase, or the time period within which the buyer should have to make that inspection.
(8) The use of force to compel a person to enter into a contract.
Earnest Money
(8/18) The purchaser’s initial commitment of something of value to indicate that he wants to buy the property according to the terms of the offer being submitted. Earnest money deposits received by the broker must be placed in his designated trust account, until the transaction is either closed or otherwise terminated.
Easement Appurtenant
(2) An easement which grants a right of use to one parcel of land in and on another parcel. The land over which the easement runs is the servient estate. The land benefiting from the easement is the dominant estate.
Easement in Gross
(2) A legal right to use the land of another. It involves only one parcel of land and does not benefit any particular property. There are two types: commercial and personal.
(2) A legl right to use the land of another for a specific purpose and in a specific manner. The right only constitutes an interest in the land. It does not give the easement owner an estate.
Economic Obsolescence
(12) Loss in value due to adverse conditions external to the property and therefore, beyond the owner’s control; also called social, locational, or Environmental Obsolescence.
Economic Rent
(10/12) The amount of rent a property could command in the open market; also called Market Rent.
Effective Age
(12) A property’s age based upon its condition and appearance, may be more, the same, or less than its actual age.
Effective Gross Income
(12) The actual gross income a property is expected to produce; determined by projecting a property’s potential gross income and then making allowances for vacancies and collecting losses.
(2) An exit leading from the parcel of land.
(10) The legal process to have a trespasser or tenant at sufferance removed from property.
(1) Crops that require annual cultivation. They are considered personal property even though attached to the land. Also called Fructus Industriales.
Eminent Domain
(2) The gov’t right to take private property for public use with or without the consenting of the owner upon payment of a just compensation to the owner. The right may be with or delegated to quasi-public corporations, such as utility companies. The court suit for taking the property is called Condemnation.
Enabling Legislation
(5) A law or statute enacted by any gov’t body which enables (makes legal) some practice not previously authorized. A condominium law enacted by a state legislature is an example of enabling legislation.
(2) The illegal intrusion of an improvement, building or other attachment onto a neighboring land or into its airspace.
(2) Anything which affects the fee simple title or the use of land such as liens, easements, restrictions and encroachments.
(14) The amount of loan guarantee that a veteran is eligible to receive for a VA loan.