Terms Pt.5 Flashcards
Closed Mortgage
(14) One which does not allow the borrower to pay off the loan before maturity.
(19) The act of finalizing a transaction, in which title is conveyed to the purchaser. Also called Settlement.
Closing Costs
(14) Prorated charges by the lender including costs of making the loan and a service charge can be paid by the buyer or seller.
(1) The metes and bounds legal description must return to the point of beginning or the description is incomplete.
Cloud on the Title
(4) Any claim, lien, or encumbrance that impairs title to real estate.
(6) A broker who assists the listing broker in securing a buyer.
(18) Participation of more than one broker in a real estate transaction.
(4) A written instrument executed for the purpose of amending an existing will.
(14) Property pledged to a lender as security for a loan.
Color of Title
(4) A title condition which appears to be good but in fact is not valid due to a certain defect, such as a forged deed.
Commercial Easement in Gross
(2) A right to use the land of another. It does not benefit any particular property. The right is transferable and freely inheritable. Typical examples include utility easements, railroad right-of-ways and billboard easements.
(6) A broker’s compensation for rendering a service to the principal as negotiated with the principal.
(8/18) Mixing funds held in trust with the broker’s personal or business accounts.
(18) The GA Real Estate Commission, the state licensing authority charged with the enforcement of the Real Estate License Law.
Common Elements
(3) Those areas in a condominium that each unit owner has the right to use in common with the other owners. Examples include land, buildings, recreational and parking areas, and other improvements.
Common Law
(6) A body of law based on custom and court decisions over time.
(3) Properties with similar characteristics to the subject property used for analysis in the market data approach.
Community Property
(3) A type of concurrent ownership between husband and wife which entitles each spouse to one-half of all property acquired by their mutual efforts during marriage.
Concurrent Ownership
(3) A form of ownership where more than one person has an interest in the same property at the same time.
(4) A legal proceeding to exercise the power of eminent domain to take private property for public use.
Condemnation Clause
(10) A lease provision which specifies that proceeds be paid to the landlord in the event the leased premises are acquired by the gov’t through condemnation.
(2) A provision in a deed which subjects the ownership of land to certain restrictions. The party creating the condition (the grantor) reserves a future right in the property. Upon the occurrence or nonoccurrence of a stated condition, either the title automatically reverts to the grantor, or the grantor has the right to sue for possession and terminate the estate.
Conditional Commitment
(14) An official FHA appraisal of a specific property. Referred to as cost of acquisition. It is used to determine the amount of loan the FHA will insure.
(3) A form of concurrent ownership in which each occupant of a multiple unit building holds fee simple title to an individual unit. Common areas like land and recreational facilities are co-owned by the unit owners as tenants in common.
(8) Anything of monetary value to induce another to enter into a contract.
Construction Loan
(14) A short-term interim loan to finance the cost of labor and materials necessary to complete construction of a building or other project.
Construction Communication
(8) Communication by operation of law.
When an offer is made through a courier the offeree’s acceptance is effectively communicated to the offeror when the acceptance is sent, not when it is received by the offeror.