Ch. 5 HW (Government) Flashcards
What can be done under police power?
Property can be condemned as unfit for occupancy.
Property can be zoned.
Subdivision regulations can be enacted.
A developer purchased a parcel of land 10 years ago, at which time the current zoning would have permitted the construction of 80 houses. Now he is ready to build but a recent rezoning now restricts him to 40 houses. Is he entitled to some compensation for the down-zoning?
No, because an exercise of police power does not require compensation.
Zoning ordinances and subdivision regulations, as examples of the enactment of police power, usually cover such matters as:
set-back lines.
Concerning the Federal Fair Housing Law, which of the following is correct with respect to the definition of a minority? *
A. Any group or members of a group that can be identiifed by race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin
B. Any group or member of a group that can be identified by any other characteristic on the basis of which discrimination is prohibited by a federal, state, or local Fair Housing Law
C. Has nothing to do with numbers.
D. All of the answers are correct.
The county tax assessor:
determines the assessed value of each individually owned property in the county.
With the best of intentions, a salesperson advises an African American family to avoid an area where there have been incidents of bigotry. This constitutes:
a violation in the form of steering.
The Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act requires that the buyer be provided with certain information when purchasing a residential dwelling or a residential dwelling in which a component of that dwelling was built prior to 1978. Which of the following is correct regarding these disclosures?
The disclosure must be made prior to entering into a contract to purchase.
A prospective purchaser, who is Caucasian, asks a salesperson what percentage of the families in a particular area is African American. The salesperson’s best course of action would be.
to refer the purchaser to an appropriate agency such as the public schools administration.
The City of Longview has approved a budget of $12,500,000 that is to be funded by ad valorem tax. The assessment roll shows that all nonexempt property has a fair market value of $950,000,000. If the assessment rate is 40%, what tax rate will each property owner be required to pay?
Your Answer: C. $3.30 per one hundred dollars
What is required to receive the “Mrs. Murphy Exemption” to the Fair Housing Law of 1968 requires which of the following? *
no real estate broker is used
no discriminatory advertising is used.
The owner rents units in a two-to-four family building or rooming house.
A buyer whose number is listed in the Do-Not-Call Registry has called a broker requesting information on a listing. For what period of time may the broker continue to call the buyer with information on other properties in which the broker feels the buyer may have an interest?
Within 3 months of the initial inquiry
Beth Stanfield inherited a lot on Central Avenue in the City of Belview. The lot is zoned for single family, detached residential use. In trying to sell the property, Beth has been unable to find a buyer because of the excessively heavy traffic on Central Avenue due to its widening two years ago from two lanes to six lanes. Beth has petitioned the Belview zoning board of appeals for permission to construct a duplex on the lot. Her request, if granted, would constitute:
a variance.
If a house is assessed at $9,000 and assessment is 30% of market value, the county assessor would have judged its market value to be:
Of the following statements, which is correct with respect to zoning ordinances?
Private restrictions and zoning ordinances may both be effective with respect to the same land at the same time, with private restrictions imposing additional limitations on the use.
You are a licensed salesperson working with an out of town Arab client who has identified a home he wants to see in a neighborhood that you know is predominately Jewish. You should:
show the property.
Which of the following practices would not violate antitrust laws?
Establishing a company policy for determining commissions to be charged
Which of the following statements is true concerning the CAN-SPAM Act?
Every commercial e-mail must contain an opt-out provision.
Charlie is a Laotian immigrant. He has subdivided his lot and built a new house next door to his own house. In listing this new house, he asks the salesperson to look for a Laotian purchaser. Which of the following statements is true?
The listing should not be taken under these conditions.