Terms Of Office Flashcards
How old do you have to be to run for a senator?
How old do you have to be to run for president?
How old do you have to be to run for a representative in the house?
How old do you have to be appointed to be a Supreme Court Judge?
Usually old
How long does the president stay in office?
4 years
How long does a senator stay in office?
6 years
How long does a represent ice in the house stay in office?
2 years
How long does a Supreme Court judge stay in office?
For the rest of their career
The president is elected by whom?
The people and the electoral collage
The senators are elected by whom?
The people in their state
The representatives are elected by whom?
The people in their district
The Supreme Court judges are elected by whom?
The president appoints judges and the senate approves
Where does the president have to be born to be president?
The president has t be born in the U.S.A.
How many terms can the president serve for?
2 terms
How many terms can a senator serve for?
Un-limited, as many times as they get elected