Terms & Definitions Flashcards
spending an inordinate amount of time on the Internet and an inability to control online use
Internet addiction
adapting to a new culture
threatening, short, clear endpoint
acute stressors
psychological processes for managing and coping with demands and challenges of everyday life
predicting emotional reactions to future events
affective forecasting
behaviour intended to hurt someone, either physically or verbally
chronic environmental conditions, though not urgent, cause adaptive demands on people
ambient stress
events typically preceding a target response
future events with perceived threat
anticipatory stressors
choose between two attractive goals
approach-approach (conflict)
choice provides both attractive and unattractive aspects
approach-avoidance (conflict)
nerves connecting the heart, blood vessels, smooth muscles, glands
autonomic nervous system
choose between two unattractive goals
avoidance-avoidance (conflict)
tendency to enhance one’s image by publicly announcing one’s association with those who are successful
basking in reflected glory
overt response or activity of an organism
systematic approach to changing behaviour through application of conditioning
behaviour modification
written agreement outlining a promise to adhere to contingencies of a behaviour modification program
behavioural contract
generating as many ideas as possible while withholding criticism and evaluation
syndrome involving physical and emotional exhaustion, cynicism, lowered sense of self-efficacy, caused by work-related stress
in-depth investigation of an individual
case study
unrealistic appraisals of stress that exaggerate the magnitude of one’s problems
catastrophic thinking
release of emotional tension
threatening, long duration, no apparent endpoint
chronic stressors
putting group goals ahead of personal goals and defining one’s identity in terms of the groups to which one belongs
efforts to deal with stressful events that are judged to be relatively healthful
constructive coping
active efforts to master, reduce, tolerate stress demands
numerical index indicating degree of relationship between two variables
correlation coefficient
largely unconscious reactions that protect a person from unpleasant emotions such as anxiety and guilt
defence mechanisms
diversion to a substitute target, often a less threatening recipient
defensive tendency to compare oneself with someone whose troubles are more serious
downward social comparison
ability to perceive and express emotion, use emotions to facilitate thought, understand and reason with emotion, and regulate emotion
emotional intelligence
powerful, mostly uncontrollable feelings, accompanied by physiological changes
gaining knowledge through observation