Terms and Definitions (FAR 1.1) - ATP Flight School Flashcards
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
The Federal Aviation Administrator or any person to whom he has delegated his authority in the matter concerned.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
A device that is used or intended to be used for flight in the air.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Aircraft engine
An engine that is used or intended to be used for propelling aircraft. It includes turbosuperchargers, appurtenances, and accessories necessary for its functioning, but does not include propellers.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
The fuselage, booms, nacelles, cowlings, fairings, airfoil surfaces (including rotors but excluding propellers and rotating airfoils of engines), and landing gear of an aircraft and their accessories and controls.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
An engine-driven fixed-wing aircraft heavier than air, that is supported in flight by the dynamic reaction of the air against its wings.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
An area of land or water that is used or intended to be used for the landing and takeoff of aircraft, and includes its buildings and facilities, if any.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
An engine-driven lighter-than-air aircraft that can be steered.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Air traffic clearance
An authorization by air traffic control, for the purpose of preventing collision between known aircraft, for an aircraft to proceed under specified traffic conditions within controlled airspace.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Air traffic control
A service operated by appropriate authority to promote the safe, orderly, and expeditious flow of air traffic.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Alert area
An alert area is established to inform pilots of a specific area wherein a high volume of pilot training or an unusual type of aeronautical activity is conducted.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Alternate airport
An airport at which an aircraft may land if a landing at the intended airport becomes inadvisable.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Altitude engine
A reciprocating aircraft engine having a rated takeoff power that is producible from sea level to an established higher altitude.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Area navigation (RNAV)
A method of navigation that permits aircraft operations on any desired flight path.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
A lighter-than-air aircraft that is not engine driven, and that sustains flight through the use of either gas buoyancy or an airborne heater.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Calibrated airspeed
The indicated airspeed of an aircraft, corrected for position and instrument error. Calibrated airspeed is equal to true airspeed in standard atmosphere at sea level.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Category (with regard to aircraft certification)
A grouping of aircraft based upon intended use or operating limitations. Examples include: transport, normal, utility, acrobatic, limited, restricted, and provisional.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Category (with regard to airman certification)
A broad classification of aircraft. Examples include: airplane; rotorcraft; glider; and lighter-than-air.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
The height above the earth’s surface of the lowest layer of clouds or obscuring phenomena that is reported as “broken”, “overcast”, or “obscuration”, and not classified as “thin” or “partial”.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Class (with regard to aircraft certification)
A broad grouping of aircraft having similar characteristics of propulsion, flight, or landing. Examples include: airplane; rotorcraft; glider; balloon; landplane; and seaplane.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Class (with regard to airman certification)
A classification of aircraft within a category having similar operating characteristics. Examples include: single engine; multiengine; land; water; gyroplane; helicopter; airship; and free balloon.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Controlled airspace
An airspace of defined dimensions within which air traffic control service is provided to IFR flights and to VFR flights in accordance with the airspace classification.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Controlled firing area
A controlled firing area is established to contain activities, which if not conducted in a controlled environment, would be hazardous to nonparticipating aircraft.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
A person assigned to perform duty in an aircraft during flight time.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Critical engine
The engine whose failure would most adversely affect the performance or handling qualities of an aircraft.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Decision altitude
A specified altitude in an instrument approach procedure at which the pilot must decide whether to initiate an immediate missed approach if the pilot does not see the required visual reference, or to continue the approach. Decision altitude is expressed in feet above mean sea level.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Decision height
A specified height above the ground in an instrument approach procedure at which the pilot must decide whether to initiate an immediate missed approach if the pilot does not see the required visual reference, or to continue the approach. Decision height is expressed in feet above ground level.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Equivalent airspeed
The calibrated airspeed of an aircraft corrected for adiabatic compressible flow for the particular altitude. Equivalent airspeed is equal to calibrated airspeed in standard atmosphere at sea level.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Flap extended speed
The highest speed permissible with wing flaps in a prescribed extended position.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Flight level
A level of constant atmospheric pressure related to a reference datum of 29.92 inches of mercury. Each is stated in three digits that represent hundreds of feet. For example, flight level 250 represents a barometric altimeter indication of 25,000 feet; flight level 255, an indication of 25,500 feet.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Flight plan
Specified information, relating to the intended flight of an aircraft, that is filed orally or in writing with air traffic control.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Flight time
Pilot time that commences when an aircraft moves under its own power for the purpose of flight and ends when the aircraft comes to rest after landing.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Flight visibility
The average forward horizontal distance, from the cockpit of an aircraft in flight, at which prominent unlighted objects may be seen and identified by day and prominent lighted objects may be seen and identified by night.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
A heavier-than-air aircraft, that is supported in flight by the dynamic reaction of the air against its lifting surfaces and whose free flight does not depend principally on an engine.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Ground visibility
Prevailing horizontal visibility near the earth’s surface as reported by the United States National Weather Service or an accredited observer.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
A rotorcraft whose rotors are not engine-driven, except for initial starting, but are made to rotate by action of the air when the rotorcraft is moving; and whose means of propulsion, consisting usually of conventional propellers, is independent of the rotor system.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
A rotorcraft that, for its horizontal motion, depends principally on its engine-driven rotors.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
IFR conditions
Weather conditions below the minimum for flight under visual flight rules.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Indicated airspeed
The speed of an aircraft as shown on its pitot static airspeed indicator calibrated to reflect standard atmosphere adiabatic compressible flow at sea level uncorrected for airspeed system errors.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
A device using an internal mechanism to show visually or aurally the attitude, altitude, or operation of an aircraft or aircraft part. It includes electronic devices for automatically controlling an aircraft in flight.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Landing gear extended speed
The maximum speed at which an aircraft can be safely flown with the landing gear extended.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Landing gear operating speed
The maximum speed at which the landing gear can be safely extended or retracted.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Large aircraft
Aircraft of more than 12,500 pounds, maximum certificated takeoff weight.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Lighter-than-air aircraft
Aircraft that can rise and remain suspended by using contained gas weighing less than the air that is displaced by the gas.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Load factor
The ratio of a specified load to the total weight of the aircraft.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Mach number
The ratio of true airspeed to the speed of sound.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Inspection, overhaul, repair, preservation, and the replacement of parts, but excluding preventive maintenance.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Major repair
A repair that, if improperly done, might appreciably affect weight, balance, structural strength, performance, powerplant operation, flight characteristics, or other qualities affecting airworthiness; or that is not done according to accepted practices or cannot be done by elementary operations.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Manifold pressure
Absolute pressure as measured at the appropriate point in the induction system and usually expressed in inches of mercury.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Medical certificate
Acceptable evidence of physical fitness on a form prescribed by the Administrator.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Military operations area
Airspace established outside Class A airspace to separate or segregate certain nonhazardous military activities from IFR traffic and to identify for VFR traffic where theses activities are conducted.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Minimum descent altitude
The lowest altitude specified in an instrument approach procedure, expressed in feet above mean sea level, to which descent is authorized on final approach or during circle-to-land maneuvering until the pilot sees the required visual references for the heliport or runway of intended landing.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Minor repair
A repair other than a major repair.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
The time between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight, as published in the Air Almanac, converted to local time.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Nonprecision approach procedure
A standard instrument approach procedure in which no electronic glide slope is provided.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Operate (with respect to aircraft)
Use, cause to use or authorize to use aircraft, for the purpose of air navigation including the piloting of aircraft, with or without the right of legal control (as owner, lessee, or otherwise).
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Operational control
The exercise of authority over initiating, conducting or terminating a flight.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Above the layer of clouds or other obscuring phenomena forming the ceiling.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
A device used or intended to be used to retard the fall of a body or object through the air.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Navigation by visual reference to landmarks.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Pilot in command
The person who has final authority and responsibility for the operation and safety of the flight, has been designated as pilot in command before or during the flight, and holds the appropriate category, class, and type rating (if appropriate) for the conduct of the flight.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Powered parachute
A powered aircraft comprised of a flexible or semi-rigid wing connected to a fuselage so that the wing is not in position for flight until the aircraft is in motion.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
A heavier-than-air aircraft capable of vertical takeoff, vertical landing, and low speed flight that depends principally on engine-driven lift devices or engine thrust for lift during these flight regimes and on nonrotating airfoil(s) for lift during horizontal flight.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Precision approach procedure
A standard instrument approach procedure in which an electronic glide slope is provided, such as ILS and PAR.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Preventive maintenance
Simple or minor preservation operations and the replacement of small standard parts not involving complex assembly operations.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Prohibited area
Airspace designated under part 73 within which no person may operate an aircraft without the permission of the using agency.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
A device for propelling an aircraft that has blades on an engine-driven shaft and that, when rotated, produces by its action on the air, a thrust approximately perpendicular to its plane of rotation.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
A statement that, as a part of a certificate, sets forth special conditions, privileges, or limitations.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Restricted area
Airspace designated under Part 73 within which the flight of aircraft, while not wholly prohibited, is subject to restriction.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
An aircraft propelled by ejected expanding gases generated in the engine from self-contained propellants and not dependent on the intake of outside substances.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
A heavier-than-air aircraft that depends principally for its support in flight on the lift generated by one or more rotors.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Sea level engine
A reciprocating aircraft engine having a rated takeoff power that is producible only at sea level.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Special VFR conditions
Meteorological conditions that are less than those required for basic VFR flight in controlled airspace and in which some aircraft are permitted flight under visual flight rules.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Special VFR operations
Aircraft operating in accordance with clearances within controlled airspace in meteorological conditions less than the basic VFR weather minima. Such operations must be requested by the pilot and approved by ATC.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Standard atmosphere
The atmosphere defined in U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1962 (Geopotential altitude tables).
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Synthetic vision
A computer-generated image of the external scene topography from the perspective of the flight deck that is derived from aircraft attitude, high-precision navigation solution, and database of terrain, obstacles and relevant cultural features.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Time in service (with respect to maintenance records)
The time from the moment an aircraft leaves the surface of the earth until it touches it at the next point of landing.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Traffic pattern
The traffic flow that is prescribed for aircraft landing at, taxiing on, or taking off from, an airport.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
True airspeed
The airspeed of an aircraft relative to undisturbed air. True airspeed is equal to equivalent airspeed multiplied by (ρ_0/ρ)^1⁄2.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Type (with regard to airman certification)
A specific make and basic model of aircraft, including modifications thereto that do not change its handling or flight characteristics.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
VFR over-the-top
The operation of an aircraft over-the-top under VFR when it is not being operated on an IFR flight plan.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Warning area
Airspace of defined dimensions, extending from 3 nautical miles outward from the coast of the United States, that contains activity that may be hazardous to nonparticipating aircraft. The purpose of such warning areas is to warn nonparticipating pilots of the potential danger. A warning area may be located over domestic or international waters or both.
Provide the definition, per FAR 1.1, of…
Weight-shift-control aircraft
A powered aircraft with a framed pivoting wing and a fuselage controllable only in pitch and roll by the pilot’s ability to change the aircraft’s center of gravity with respect to the wing. Flight control of the aircraft depends on the wing’s ability to flexibly deform rather than the use of control surfaces.