Review of Part 91 - ATP Flight School Flashcards
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.3
PIC authority - PIC directly responsible for/has the final authority as to the operation of the aircraft, can deviate from any rule if necessary in an emergency.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.7
Airworthiness - can’t operate an aircraft unless it’s airworthy, PIC must determine airworthiness.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.9
AFM - must have an AFM on board, must comply with all operating limitations in it
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.13
Careless or reckless - no doing anything careless or reckless so as to endanger the life or property of another.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.15
Dropping objects - OK, if reasonable precautions are taken to avoid injuring persons or damaging property.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.17
Alcohol or drugs - 8 hours bottle to throttle, BAC below 0.04. No drugs that affect you in any way contrary to safety.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.25
NASA reports - FAA can’t use ASRS reports in enforcement actions except for accidents and crimes.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.103
Preflight action - PIC must be “familiar with all available information” before flight, including certain explicitly listed items
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.105
Seatbelts for crewmembers - seatbelts on throughout flight, shoulder harnesses on for takeoff and landing.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.107
Seatbelts for passengers - must brief passengers on seatbelt usage; seatbelts on for taxi, takeoff, landing.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.109
Dual controls and safety pilots - simulated instrument flight requires an appropriately rated safety pilot
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.111
Formation flying - can’t fly so close as to create a collision hazard, must make arrangments w/ all PICs
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.113
See-and-avoid / Right-of-way - must practice see-and-avoid whenever weather conditions permit; list of right-of-way rules for different situations
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.117
Speed limits - 250 knots below 10,000’ MSL, 200 knots near Class C and D airports and below Class B airspace
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.119
Minimum safe altitudes - stay high enough that you won’t hurt anyone on the ground if your engine quits; specific minimum altitudes for congested / non-congested areas
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.121
Altimeter settings - keep the altimeter set to a station within 100 NM of the aircraft, or 29.92” if above 18,000’ MSL
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.123
ATC clearances - can deviate from clearance/instruction only if it gets amended or an emergency exists. Notify ATC if you have to deviate.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.125
Light gun signals - table explaining what each one means for aircraft on the surface and in flight.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.126
Class G airspace rules - left traffic is default, must talk to tower (if there is one) within 4 NM / 2,500’ AGL of the airport
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.127
Class E airspace rules - similar to Class G
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.129
Class D airspace rules - communication with control tower required, ATC clearance required to taxi/takeoff/land
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.130
Class C airspace rules - communication with ATC required, Mode C transponder required.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.131
Class B airspace rules - ATC clearance required to enter, no student pilots without special endorsement, Mode C transponder required.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.133
Restricted and prohibited areas - must stay out unless you have the permission of the using/controlling agency
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.135
Class A airspace rules - VFR prohibited, IFR only
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.137
TFRs for disaster areas - FAA can create TFRs to protect pilots from surface hazards, keep firefighting aircraft safe, or prevent unsafe congestion due to sightseeing
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.139
Emergency air traffic rules - in emergencies, FAA can publish new rules/regulations by NOTAM, and everyone must follow them
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.141
TFRs for VIPs - FAA can create TFRs around the President, Vice President, or other public figures.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.143
TFRs for spaceflight ops - FAA can create TFR around rocket launches.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.145
TFRs for sports and airshows - FAA can create TFRs around various sporting events and airshows
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.146
Charity flights - certain flights conducted to raise money for charity aren’t subject to all the rules for commercial flights
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.151
VFR fuel requirements - 30 minute reserve during the day, 45 minutes at night
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.153
VFR flight plans - list of information required; close your plan with FSS once flight is done
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.155
Basic VFR weather minimums - table of cloud clearance and visibility requirements for each class of airspace; departure minimums in controlled airspace (3 miles/1000’ ceilings)
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.157
Special VFR - can get ATC clearance to use 1 SM/clear of clouds in controlled airspace
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.159
VFR cruising altitudes - odd thousands plus 500 when eastbound, even thousands plus 500 when westbound (if above 3,000’ AGL)
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.161
Washington, DC awareness training - must complete a Special Awareness Training course on the DC SFRA procedures before flying within 60 NM of DCA under VFR.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.203
Required aircraft certifications - must have airworthiness and registration certificates on board aircraft
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.205
Required equipment - lists for VFR day (ATOMATOFLAMES), VFR night (FLAPS), IFR (GRABCARDD)
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.207
Emergency locator transmitters - must have an ELT, battery must be replaced every so often, ELT must be inspected annually
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.209
Aircraft lights - must use position lights at night, must use anticollision strobes at all times unless it would be unsafe (e.g. blinding other pilots).
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.211
Supplemental oxygen - pilots, above 12,500’ MSL if more than 30 minutes or above 14,000’ MSL at any time; passengers, above 15,000’ MSL
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.213
Inoperative equipment - no taking off with inoperative equipment unless you go through particular procedures (MEL and non-MEL procedures provided)
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.215
Transponders - Mode C required in A/B/C airspace, within 30 NM of Class B airport, above B/C airspace, above 10,000’ MSL.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.225
ADS-B - Starting in 2020, ADS-B Out required in all airspace that currently requires Mode C transponder.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.303
Aerobatic flight - definition, various places where it’s prohibited
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.307
Parachutes - required if there’s any non-crewmember on board and if you exceed 60° bank or 30° pitch.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.403
General maintenance rules - owner/operator responsible for keeping aircraft airworthy, all maintenance must follow regulations
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.407
Operation after maintenance - must record maintenance before aircraft returns to service; rated pilot must do a check flight before carrying passengers
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.409
Required inspections - annual for all aircraft, 100 hour for aircraft carrying passengers or offering flight training for hire
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.411
Altimeter inspections - altimeters and static pressure system must be inspected every 24 months for IFR
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.413
Transponder inspections - transponders must be inspected every 24 months
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 91.417
Maintenance records - what each maintenance log entry must contain, what records must be kept and for how long