Terms Flashcards
Founded by duke william of Aquitaine, states that they do not owe allegiance is any one but the pope (no taxes), causes reform
Manga carta
Great charter stating the king is not above the law signed by king john on June 15, 1215 CE
Pope only allows last sacraments
Square building
Circle buildings
Post crusade
Sale of a position in the church
Priests marrying women
Fourth Lateran council
Call of all cardinals to change church law
Cistercian order
Clean bare, minimalist living, instituted by Saint Bernard who wanted to live a monastic life
Takes vow of stability and obedience of rules, abide by superiors, remain celibate and stay in monastery
Chased, takes vow of obedience and poverty, does not stay in one place, job is to travel and preach, only men
Voyages taken related to a saint, to holly shrines for spiritual benefit
Holding of religious doctrines differing from orthodox teachings determined by church
Dualist system, believes that spirit and soul are created good by god, worldly objects are created by devil, makes church look evil form materialism
Great schisms
4 words,spilt of west and east churches in 1054, weakling of authority
Middle Ages (1)
Time period of 1 HRC and apostolic church, one HRE, barbarians
Middle Ages (2)
Time period when Europe has been christianized, no longer 1 church, 2 claimants to HRE, no barbarians, start of renaissance, governments are Christian
peace of god
Rules for knights about places to fight
Truce of god
Rules about timing of fighting for knights