Términos Del Cine 💃❤️ Flashcards
Ángulo de cámara
Camera angle
El fondo
The cast
El reparto
Primer plano
Close up
An extra
Un figurante
Feature film
Un largometraje
La iluminación
El maquillaje
Out of focus
Fuera de foco
El atrezo
The props
Las fotogramas
The script
El guión
La banda de sonido
The soundtrack
The filming/shooting
El rodaje
La puesta en escena
The mise-en-scene
(everything in front of the camera, including the set design, lighting, and actors. Mise en scene in film is the overall effect of how it all comes together for the audience.)
The panoramic shot
La toma panorámica
ambiguous (open to interpretation)
La dictadura
La escenografía
mise-en-scêne (the arrangement of the scenery, props and actors during a particular scene)
La estética
aesthetics (the philosophy of art and beauty)
La farsa
farce (comedy based on unlikely or far-fetched situations)
La imaginería
imagery (visual symbolism)
La matriarca
matriarch (the female head of a family)
El naturalismo
naturalism (accurate depiction of reality)
La obra
oeuvre (the works of the director, viewed as a whole)
El plano cenital
overhead shot
El primer plano
El realismo mágico
magic realism (an artistic technique in which realistic narrative is combined with an acceptance of magic in the natural world; it is frequently, but not exclusively, linked to Latin American writing)
El soliloquio
soliloquy (a dramatic speech in which the character reveals their innermost thoughts)
surreal (dream-like, relating to the irrational juxtapositioning of images)
El travelling
tracking shot (fluid movement of the camera, left to right, right to left or up and down)