Terminology - Word Classes Flashcards
What is a proper noun?
Refers to names of people or places
e.g. James, England
What is an abstract noun?
Refers to states, feelings and concepts that do not have a physical existence
e.g. love, anger
What is a concrete noun?
Refer to objects that have a physical existence
e.g. countable (can be pluralised, e.g. cup)
What is a dynamic/material verb?
Show actions or events
e.g. hit, jump, wash, build
What is a stative/relational verb?
Identify properties or show states of being
e.g. be, appear, seem, become
What is a mental verb?
Show internal processes such as thinking
e.g. think, believe, wish
What is a verbal verb?
Show external processes of communicating through speech
e.g. say, shout, scream, whisper
What is an auxiliary verb?
An extra or “helping” verb which is used in addition to a main verb
e.g. i HAD gone, we WERE trying
What is a modal auxiliary verb?
An auxiliary verb which shows degrees of possibility, probability or obligation
Cannot function as a verb independently
e.g. could, can, would, will, should, shall, may, might, must
What is an adjective?
The basic form of an adjective, modifying a noun
e.g. big, interesting, carefully
What is a comparative adjective?
A form used to compare two instances, either adding ‘-er’ or using ‘more’
e.g. the parcel was biggER. that was a MORE interesting game. he was MORE careful
What is a superlative adjective?
A form used to compare more than two instances, identifying a most extreme example
e.g. that was the BIGGEST parcel. this is the MOST interesting game. it was the MOST careful he had ever been
What is a manner adverb?
Tells us how something happened
e.g. the dog BARKED loudly. the cat HISSED disdainfully
What is a time adverb?
Tells us when something happened
e.g. I will see you TOMORROW. YESTERDAY, I went to the shop
What is a place adverb?
Tells us where something happened
e.g. he ran UPSTAIRS. I will wait HERE.
What is a frequency adverb?
Tells us how often something happened
e.g. OFTEN, he bought carrots. SOMETIMES he bought peppers
What is a degree adverb?
Tells us how strongly a description applies
e.g. he was VERY tired. she was SLIGHTLY nervous
What is a sentence adverb?
Provides an attitude to a whole sentence
e.g. SADLY, he was unsuccessful. FORTUNATELY, he liked peas
What is a personal pronoun?
Refers to people and are differentiated in terms of person (1st, 2nd, 3rd), number (singular or plural) and gender (male or female)
e.g. I (1st person singular)
you (2nd personal singular/plural)
she (3rd person, singular, feminine)
they (3rd person, plural)
What is a demonstrative pronoun?
Orientate the reader or listener towards a person, object or idea, either nearby or further away
e.g. this, these, that, those
What is an indefinite pronoun?
Refer to a person, object or idea that is non-specific
e.g. someone, anybody, everything
What is a possessive pronoun?
Show the ownership of the noun they replace
e.g. mine, yours, ours
What is an article determiner?
Show that something is definite or indefinite
e.g. the (definite)
a/an (indefinite)
What is a possessive determiner?
Show ownership
e.g. me, your, her, our
What is a quantifier determiner?
Show either specific or non-specific quantities of a noun
e.g. one, two (specific)
some, any, a few (non-specific)
What is a preposition?
Show the relationship of two things in terms of time or space
e.g. after, before, above, on, in
What is a premodifier?
An adverb or adjective which is placed before the thing it is modifying
e.g. the GINGER cat
the HAPPY mouse
What is a postmodifier?
An adverb or adjective which is placed after the thing it is modifying, sometimes linked with a verb
e.g. the cat is GINGER
the mouse seemed HAPPY
we walked SLOWLY