Terminology - Context and Audience Flashcards
What is affordance?
A feature of a text which allows it to reach a certain audience or audiences
What is asynchronous communication?
Communication where production and reception happen non-simultaneously
What is blended-mode?
A text which contains conventional elements of both speech and writing
What is a constraint?
A feature of text which limits the way in which audiences can consume it
What is context?
The external factors that shape how texts are produced and received
What is discourse community?
A group of people with shared interests and belief systems who are likely to respond to texts in similar ways
What is a discourse event?
An act of communication occurring in a specific time and location involving writers/speakers and readers/listeners
What is downgrading?
When a speaker responds to disagreement by becoming less intense about their opinion
What is endophoric storytelling?
When a story is produced in the same location as where it took place
What is exophoric storytelling?
When a story is produced outside the location where it took place
What is gap-filling?
The act of adding a rich sense of meaning to individual words and phrases based on our own knowledge and the context in which they appear
What is a genre?
A way of grouping texts based on expected shared conventions
What is an implied reader?
A constructed image of an idealised reader
What is intertextuality?
A process by which texts borrow from or refer to conventions of other texts for a specific purpose or effect
What is a knowledge frame/pragmatic knowledge?
A mental store of knowledge about the world gained through experience
What is a mode?
The physical channel of communication: either speech or writing
What is a multi-purpose text?
A text that clearly has more than one purpose
What is othering?
Presenting a culture or community as different or strange in some way
What is primary purpose?
The main and most easily recognisable purpose of a text
What is a register?
A variety of language that is associated with a particular situation of use
In particular, refers to how formal or informal a text or producers language is
What is representation?
The portrayal of events, people and circumstances through language and other meaning-making resources (e.g. images and sound) to create a way of seeing the world
What is secondary purpose?
An additional and perhaps more suitable purpose of a text
What is situation of use?
A specific place, time and context in which communication takes place
What is subjectivity?
Being seen from a particular perspective
What is synchronous communication?
Communication where production and reception happen simultaneously
What is a text producer?
The person or people responsible (through writing or speaking) for creating a text
What is a text receiver?
The person or people interpreting (through reading or listening to) a text
What is upgrading?
When a speaker responds to disagreement by becoming more intense about their opinion