Terminology for the test Flashcards
What does ACC stand for?
Accident Compensation Corporation
What is A&E
Accident and Emergency
What is beneficence?
Action to benefit others
What does BPM stand for?
Beats per minute
What is dyspnea?
Shortness of breath
What is ED?
Emergency department
What is autonomy?
Actions that respect the independence of others
What is fidelity?
Acts that observe agreements or promises are right
What does GCS stand for?
Glasgow Coma Scale. Scale to describe level of consciousness.
GI stands for?
Gastrointestinal tract
GP stands for?
General practitioner (doctor)
HIS stands for?
Hospital Information System
What is a contact tree?
Call tree - a layered hierarchical communication model
DHB stands for?
District Health Board
What does LITE stand for?
Load, Individual, Task, Environment - connected with manual handling
What is a mass casualty?
An event that generates more patients at one time than locally available resources can manage using routine procedures
PACS stands for?
Picture Archiving and Communication System