Terminology Flashcards
What’s COPD’s main 2 presentations
Emphysema and chronic bronchitis
What’s Emphysema
Difficulty breathing via permanent enlargement of air sacs in lungs. Can still be well perfused
What’s Chronic Bronchitis
Airways fill with mucous. Productive cough lasts 3 months and returns twice a year
What are arteries
Oxygenated blood vessels that carry away from the heart
What artery is not oxygenated
Pulmonary artery. Carries oxygenated blood to lungs
What are capillaries
Small blood vessels. Convey blood between arteriols and venules
What are veins
Blood vessels that carry deoxygenated blood towards heart
What vein is not deoxygenated
Pulmonary vein carries oxygenated blood to heart
What’s arteriosclerosis
Build up of fats, cholesterols and other substances in artery walls
What does arteriosclerosis do
Vascular disease that causes arteries to thicken and harden. Restricting blood flow and eventually can clot
What’s Ischemia
Lack of blood flow
What’s an Ischemic stroke
Blood vessel blockage. Lack of blood flow to brain
What’s a hemorrhagic stroke
Rupture of blood vessel. Causes blood leakage
Hypoxic drive
Respiratory response to low oxygen levels in blood. Prominent in COPD patients
Low blood flow to parts of body
Status epilepoticus
Seizures that last longer than 5 minutes or multiple seizures within five minutes that don’t break
Drugs that reduce pain. Can alter mood/behaviour. Affect nervous system
Pain relievers
Infection causes swelling in upper airway. Barking cough
Focal seizure
Seizure that starts in one area of the brain. Usually affecting one hemisphere
Type 1 diabetes. Insulin dependent diabetes
Type 2 diabetes. Non-insulin dependent
Low blood sugar
Too much sugar
Inhaler substance (brand name ventolin) also knows as Albuterol
Diabetic ketoacidosis
It’s the Fruity smell. Complication of diabetes
Coronary artery
Main blood vessel that supplies oxygen to heart
Septic shock
Infection causes dangerously low blood pressure and eventually organ failure
Cardiac arrest
Loss of heart activity causing Sudden cessation of circulation
Cardiogenic shock
When the heart can’t pump enough blood to body’s organs
Obstructive shock
When blood flow is physically obstructed and prevents oxygen and blood from reaching the body’s organs
Hypovolemic shock
When body loses too much blood or other fluids
Neurogenic shock
When autonomic nervous system is disrupted causing loss of normal control over BP, HR and body temp.
Face, arms, Speech, Time - Vision, Aphasia, Neglect
Nexus criteria and its components
For deciding if full SMR is needed
1. No posterior midline cervical spine tenderness
2. No evidence of intoxication
3. Normal level of alertness
4. No focal neurological deficit
5. No painful distracting injury
Rule of 9’s
Way to chart percentage of body that’s burnt
Gastric distension
Inflation of the stomach
Gestational diabetes
High blood sugar disorder develop during pregnancy
Flail chest
Closed chest injury resulting in chest wall becoming unstable due to fractures
Sucking chest wound
Open wound to chest that bubbles or makes a sucking noise
Air outside lung within pleural space and partially collapsed lung
Tension pneumothorax
Air trapped in pleural space and collapsed lung. Heart becomes compressed and unable to receive or pump blood
Partially collapsed lung and pleural space fills with blood
Rigid splint
Rigid padded boards. Applied in line with bone and secured via knots or similar tools
Traction splint
Provides counter pull to alleviate pain and reduce blood loss and further injury. Holds limb in alignment but does not realign broken bones
Circumferential splint
Completely surrounds injured limb. Help reduce swelling via compression. Air splints are examples
Abdominal evisceration
When abdominal organs protrude from body
Phases of labour
First stage - cervix opens and baby moves down birth canal and contractions begin
Second stage - baby is born
Third stage - placenta delivery
Adventitious sounds
Abnormal respiratory sounds that occur in addition to normal breath sounds
Abnormal, high-pitched respiratory sound produced by irregular airflow in a narrowed airway
What the body does to a drug
The effects of drugs in the body and their mechanism of action
Differential diagnosis
Process that helps determine most likely cause of patients symptoms by comparing a list of possible conditions
situation, background, Assessment, recommendations